Bitcoin ar trebui să fie predat în școli: primarul ales al orașului New York

Azeez Mustapha


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New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams recently explained his decision to receive his first three paychecks in Bitcoin (BTC) and make NYC the “center for innovation and cryptocurrency” in an interview with CNN Business Sunday.

The host asked Adams if he “Would you encourage businesses in New York City to accept bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies?” El a menționat că: “We are going to look at it. We are going to tread carefully. We are going to get it right.” The mayor-elect added that:

“I want to send a signal. This city was the Empire State … This is the center of innovation, self-driving cars, drone development, cybersecurity, life sciences. So when I talked about blockchain and bitcoin, young people on the street stopped and asked me: ‘What is that? What it is about?’”

The host later asked Adams to explain what Bitcoin is, to which he responded that:

“It is a cryptocurrency. It’s a new way of paying for goods and services throughout the entire globe. And that is what we must do: open our schools to teach the technology and teach this new way of thinking when it comes down to paying for goods and services.”

In June, Adams asserted that: “In one year, one year, you’re going to see a different city … We’re going to bring businesses here. We’re going to become the center of life science, the center of cybersecurity, the center of self-driving cars, drones, the center of bitcoins. We are going to be the center of all technology.”

Niveluri cheie ale Bitcoin de urmărit – 9 noiembrie

BTC has cleared yet another all-time high after touching the $68,534 top earlier today. However, the benchmark cryptocurrency has posted a minor correction to the lower-$67,000 level as trading conditions cross into overheated conditions.

BTCUSD - Diagrama de 4 ore

That said, I still expect to see another bullish push towards the $69,000 record high in the near term before seeing a possible full-fledged correction to the $65,000 – $64,000 region.

Între timp, nivelurile mele de rezistență sunt la 68,000 USD, 68,500 USD și 69,000 USD, iar nivelurile mele cheie de suport sunt la 67,000 USD, 66,000 USD și 65,000 USD.

Capitalizare totală de piață: 2.95 trilioane $

Capitalizarea pieței Bitcoin: 1.28 trilioane $

Dominanta Bitcoin: 43.6%

Clasament pe piață: #1


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Azeez Mustapha

Azeez Mustapha este un profesionist în tranzacționare, analist valutar, strateg de semnale și manager de fonduri, cu o experiență de peste zece ani în domeniul financiar. În calitate de blogger și autor financiar, el îi ajută pe investitori să înțeleagă concepte financiare complexe, să-și îmbunătățească abilitățile de investiții și să învețe cum să-și gestioneze banii.

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