
Cardano registra un'enorme crescita della rete nonostante il persistente crollo del mercato delle criptovalute

Cardano (ADA) continues to record notable network growth since its Alonzo upgrade in September 2021. Recent reports show that the network added over 2,000 new holders every day for the last 30 days. The notable network growth is measured by examining new features and updates, as well as buyer interest. Data from Cardano Blockchain Insights […]

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Cardano ha oltre 500 progetti che si basano su di esso: IOHK Executive

The Marketing and Communications Director of IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong), Tim Harrison, recently announced that Cardano (ADA) has been attracting a significant amount of interest, since its smart contract capability upgrade. Last September, the network implemented a mainnet upgrade (Alonzo) that allowed it to offer smart contract functionality to users, which was part of […]

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Cardano registra un'enorme crescita della rete nel 2021 mentre i portafogli ADA salgono del 1,200% da inizio anno

The Cardano (ADA) blockchain recorded a significant growth this year, which is observable from the boom recorded in the total number of wallets holding ADA. According to new data from Cardano Foundation, the ADA wallet count has grown by over 1,200% in a year, from 190K wallets in Christmas 2020 to 2.5 million wallets today. […]

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Cardano mantiene lo slancio ribassista dal lancio di Alonzo Mainnet

Nonostante i precedenti record raggiunti da altre importanti criptovalute, Cardano (ADA) continua a faticare a registrare passi rialzisti significativi, nonostante la recente implementazione della compatibilità degli Smart Contracts sulla rete. Il 2 settembre, ADA ha registrato un nuovo record a 3.160 dollari, portando la sua valutazione di mercato quasi a superare la soglia dei 100 miliardi di dollari. Comunque, il […]

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Cardano collabora con Chainlink per una migliore funzionalità del contratto intelligente

IOHK has announced a partnership with decentralized blockchain oracle network Chainlink in its ongoing Cardano (ADA) Summit 2021. Based on the announcement, the partnership will allow Cardano to integrate Chainlink’s oracles in supporting developers as they begin building Smart Contracts (SC) for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. This comes after the Alonzo Mainnet upgrade on September […]

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Il CEO di Cardano sbatte la combustione di token, lo equipara al furto di cibo

The founder and CEO of Cardano (ADA), Charles Hoskinson, has spoken strongly against the sweeping idea of deflationary economics in the cryptocurrency industry. Mr. Hoskinson made his opposing stance known in a recent AMA (ask me anything) session on YouTube, comparing the practice of token burn to stealing food. He noted that the activity reflects […]

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