L'enquesta de Nordvpn mostra que el 68% dels nord-americans entenen els riscos associats a la criptografia

Azeez Mustapha


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Fresh survey data from Nordvpn has revealed that about seven in ten American adults, of 68% of survey subjects, understand the risks involved with cryptocurrency. The survey also revealed that 69% of American adults “had some understanding of what cryptocurrency is.”

However, despite having expressed a knowledgeable viewpoint on cryptocurrency, participants of the Nordvpn survey still showed uneasiness over the possibility of digital assets becoming the global standard for online purchases and payments.

From a closer glance at the crypto risks identified, the survey revealed that 59% of the subjects were under no illusions that trading platforms and exchanges could get hacked. Meanwhile, roughly 57% of the respondents expressed understanding of the possible risk of an account takeover, while 56% are aware of phishing emails or texts communicating a change in funds that may be used by criminals.

Commending the significantly high awareness levels of the American public on the risks involved in the crypto industry, the report noted: “the more understanding individual consumers have of cyber threats, the better equipped they’ll be to protect themselves.”

Nordvpn Survey Shows Growing Trend of Cryptocurrency Risk Unawareness

Meanwhile, the survey also unearthed that about 32% of the 1,000 participants in the survey “did not report any awareness of the associated risks.” Nordvpn described this degree of unawareness as not only “a real problem” but part of a bigger and more alarming trend. The report explained: “The real issue is that many people in the wider population, in the U.S. and beyond, have a poor understanding of online risks in general.”

Finally, the report called on cryptocurrency holders and internet users to create stronger passwords as these are usually “the only things standing between hackers and our online accounts.” The Nordvpn survey report also encouraged advocates for users to use VPNs, que “protect internet traffic with layers of powerful encryption.”


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Azeez Mustapha

Azeez Mustapha és un professional del comerç, analista de divises, estrateg de senyals i gestor de fons amb més de deu anys d’experiència en el camp financer. Com a blogger i autor de finances, ajuda els inversors a entendre conceptes financers complexos, a millorar les seves habilitats d'inversió i a aprendre a gestionar els seus diners.

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