
El USD/JPY s'esperava atraure una pausa en l'ordre de venda, ja que l'índex del dòlar mostra més debilitat

USD/JPY experienced a fickled directional change, after reaching its lowest 1-day price of 126.67 during the Asian Trading period.  Since three days ago the pair has been trading within a specific range. Thus the USD/JPY is hoped to keep narrowing its range as there are no major economic event in today’s trading period. Examining the […]

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L'oposició de compra USDJPY s'estendrà per sota del nivell de suport de 126.420

USDJPY Analysis – May 26 USDJPY buying resistance is expected to extend below the 126.420 critical zone. The buying influence has been submerged due to selling pressure on the USDJPY price action. The dollar began to decline with respect to the yen following the bullish ride towards the 131.400 key level. However, the bullish pressure […]

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USDJPY Bullish Outclass s'està retractant a mesura que el seu valor cau

USDJPY Analysis – May 12 USDJPY bullish outclass is being retracted as its value intends to fall back beyond the 128.640 key zone. The daily chart demonstrates a bullish consistency in pushing the price effect. However, the selling pressure has dampened this effect. The price is currently looking for a retracement in the value propensity. […]

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Els compradors USDJPY s'esforcen per ampliar la tendència dels preus

Anàlisi USDJPY: 28 d'abril Els compradors de USDJPY s'esforcen per ampliar la tendència dels preus més enllà del nivell significatiu de 126.960. L'expansió alcista està decidida a augmentar al mercat amb l'impuls que augmenta. Per tant, els comerciants de compra han establert diversos blocs de comandes a mesura que el preu continua expandint-se a l'alça. Aquests dominis s'estan avaluant […]

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El USDJPY continua mantenint la resistència alcista

USDJPY Analysis – April 14 USDJPY continues to maintain bullish resilience with an increase in momentum. The bullish order in the market is said to continue as price propulsion also heightens. The buyers are currently willing to purchase more for a profit at higher-order blocks. This, therefore, implies that on the 1-day chart, there will […]

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El preu USDJPY recuperarà la força alcista poc després de l'exposició dels baixistes

USDJPY Price Analysis – April 7 USDJPY price will regain bullish strength shortly after bears’ exposure in the market. Over recent weeks, the bulls have been controlling the signature of price influence in the market. The buyers have been on alert to push the USDJPY market upward following a breakout in the trend channel. Since […]

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S'espera que els toros USDJPY rebotin abans de continuar a l'alça

Anàlisi de preus USDJPY: 31 de març, els alcistes USDJPY repunten al nivell significatiu de 121.200 abans de continuar. El preu va començar amb una forta onada alcista i va trencar el nivell significatiu de 121.200 al mercat. Els venedors estan tornant a negociar la tendència dels preus a aquest nivell crític. Els comerciants venedors valoren el preu, però no són […]

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L'USDJPY continua la seva ratxa alcista, amb uns preus augmentant per sobre del nivell clau de 118.00

USDJPY Analysis – March 24 USDJPY continues its bullish streak, with prices surging above the 118.00 key level. The bulls’ pressure is assumed to increase due to buyers’ confidence to buy more positions at pending order blocks in the market. The buying pressure in the markets is likely to continue in the market for a […]

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