
FTSE 100 incompleix la resistència al nivell 7400, nivell d'objectius 7763.30

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BullishFTSE 100 (UKX) is in an uptrend as it targets level 7763.30. The bulls have broken the resistance at level 7400. Buyers have broken the resistance, resisted it, before resuming upward. The current uptrend has reached level 7516.86. Further upsides are […]

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FTSE 100 (UKX) trenca el nivell 7400, pot reprendre la tendència alcista

Nivell de resistència: 7500, 7600, 7700Nivell de suport: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Tendència a llarg termini: BullishFTSE 100 (UKX) està augmentant, ja que pot reprendre la tendència alcista. El preu de UKX supera les mitjanes mòbils. Avui, els compradors intenten superar la resistència del nivell 7400. Des de l'11 de novembre, encara no s'ha trencat el nivell de resistència general. Actualment, el […]

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FTSE 100 (UKX) recupera i reprèn la tendència alcista, els intents d'incomplir el nivell 7400

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BullishFTSE 100 (UKX) has broken above the moving averages as it attempts to breach level 7400. The implication is that the index will rise to the upside. Since November 11, buyers have failed to keep the index price above level 7400. […]

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FTSE 100 (UKX) disminueix fins al nivell 7129, no es pot mantenir per sobre del nivell 7360

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BearishFTSE 100 (UKX) has fallen below the moving average after retesting the resistance at level 7360. In the previous price action, on November 11, the bulls were repelled at level 7360. The index plunged to level 7200 and later to level […]

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FTSE 100 (UKX) es concentra a la zona de resistència del nivell 7400, pot enfrontar-se al rebuig

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BullishFTSE 100 (UKX) is in an uptrend. Buyers have pushed UKX above the moving averages. The uptrend has reached and retested the resistance level at 7400. FTSE 100 is facing rejection at the previous high. If UKX declines, it will retrace […]

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