
Tapjets presenta un breu amicus per mantenir l'ús de Ripple com a mitjà de pagament

TapJet, a firm that provides private jet charter service and is a partner with Blockchain, has released an amicus brief for the continuation of the use of Ripple as a substitute for fiat tokens. In their brief, the company noted that the customary banking system, at times, fails to work efficiently, especially at the end […]

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Binance Pool treu 500 milions de dòlars per ajudar els miners de Bitcoin 

Binance Pool raises $500 million for new loan programs for Bitcoin miners.The company must have been driven to launch a new loan business for the miners by the recent upheaval from crypto mining businesses. For the loan, which can last up to 18 months, miners just need to provide security in the form of tangible […]

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El preu d'Ethereum encara és probable que es mantingui sota pressió de venda

Ethereum price is still likely to remain under bearish pressure in the market. The price action has made about a 4% drop this week as the bears caused a huge difference. However, the price was seen trying to make a recovery from its volatile pace as a result of the positive influence of the pound […]

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Elon Musk anuncia Dogecoin com a mitjà de pagament per a nous productes de perfum

The Boring Company, Elon Musk’s underground tunnelling company, has broadened its scope with the launch of its own perfume. The company has announced to their potential customers that they could make payments for their new product with Dogecoin. DOGEUSD rose by 3% after the announcement was made known via Twitter. Elon Musk’s recent involvement with […]

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XRPUSD disminueix a mesura que el preu encara es consolida

XRPUSD disminueix a mesura que el preu encara es consolida. Actualment, el volum està disminuint a mesura que el dòlar nord-americà demana inflació. El mercat de criptografia ha patit un breu descens amb la publicació de l'antic discurs oficial de la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) i els documents corresponents. El funcionari de la SEC es diu William Hinman. A l'octubre […]

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Solana anuncia el programa 'Mesh' com a Coin Eyes un augment del 12%.

Solana has announced the launch of a new project, Mesh. It is a program especially made for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). They aim to make it part of the Squads MultiSig Program Library. As a result of this development, SOL is likely to achieve a 12 per cent rise. The SOL price will only need […]

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Binance Smart Chain reprèn l'operació després d'un pirateig de BNB de 600 milions de dòlars

Binance Smart Chain va ser testimoni d'una violació de seguretat que va provocar el robatori d'aproximadament 2 milions de BNB, que es calculava en uns 600 milions de dòlars. El pirateig va provocar que el BSC (Binance Smart Chain) es posés en pausa temporalment el 6 d'octubre. Això significa que els dipòsits i retirades no es van permetre funcionar. Avui, la cadena BNB […]

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 La xarxa Solana experimenta una altra interrupció destacada

The Solana network has suffered its fourth significant outage since January on the 1st of October. The network stopped processing transactions and went offline. A year ago, there was a very prominent outage on the Solana Network. The network was out for almost 18 hours in September of last year. The latest network outage was […]

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Dogecoin forma la llista de cinc principals criptografies que tenen els usuaris d'eToro

Dogecoin és la llista dels cinc primers criptogràfics que tenen els usuaris d'eToro. L'empresa de comerç social amb uns 28.5 milions d'usuaris registrats ha publicat el seu tercer informe trimestral per a l'any 3. Entre les estadístiques estudiades i publicades hi havia les principals criptografies en poder dels usuaris d'eToro. Dogecoin va ocupar el cinquè lloc per tercera vegada a […]

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