Icandelo loMphathiswa Wezimali waseIndiya licacisa imeko kwiMicimbi yeDijithali yemali kweli lizwe

UAzeez Mustapha


Ukuvula iMiqondiso ye-Forex yemihla ngemihla

Khetha isicwangciso


I-1 - inyanga



I-3 - inyanga



I-6 - inyanga



Ubomi bonke



Ukwahlula iQela lokuRhweba ngeSwing



Fumana imiqondiso ye-VIP ye-forex, imiqondiso ye-crypto ye-VIP, imiqondiso yokujingi, kunye nekhosi ye-forex simahla ubomi bonke.

Vula nje iakhawunti kunye nomthengisi wethu odibeneyo kwaye wenze idiphozithi encinci: 250 USD.

Imeyli [imeyile ikhuselwe] kunye skrini yemali kwiakhawunti ukufikelela!


Uxhasiwe Uxhasiwe

Inkonzo yokurhweba ikopi. I-Algo yethu ivula ngokuzenzekelayo kwaye ivale urhwebo.


I-L2T Algo inikezela ngemiqondiso enengeniso ephezulu kunye nomngcipheko omncinci.


24/7 urhwebo cryptocurrency. Ngelixa ulalayo, siyarhweba.


Ukuseta imizuzu eli-10 kunye neenzuzo ezinkulu. Incwadi yesikhokelo ibonelelwe ngokuthenga.


79% izinga lempumelelo. Iziphumo zethu ziya kukuvuyisa.


Ukuya kuthi ga kwi-70 yorhwebo ngenyanga. Kukho ngaphezu kwe-5 izibini ezikhoyo.


Imirhumo yenyanga iqala kwi-£58.

The Indian Ministry of Finance has answered some pressing questions about the status of cryptocurrency activities and regulations in the country on Monday. The ministry responded to a series of questions from the Lok Sabha, the lower house of India’s parliament, on some crypto matters. The minister state for the finance ministry revealed that the recommendations in the draft bill proposed by the inter-ministerial committee (IMC) are still under review.

The first question involved “the status of cryptocurrency trading in India.” The Minister of State for Ministry of Finance, Shri Pankaj Chaudhary, replied: “This information is not collected by the government.”

Chaudhary’s response correlates with what the finance minister recently noted, which was that the government has no collated data on the number of crypto exchanges or traders in India.

The second question involved “the current regulatory regime surrounding cryptocurrency and its trading.” Chaudhary explained that all organizations under the purview of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), have received notices to implement adequate customer due diligence per some regulations, including Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements, anti-money laundering (AML) law, Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), and Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) for overseas remittances.

The minister was then quizzed on the laws in place to protect cryptocurrency traders and investors “from fraud and other misdemeanors in its trading,” to which he responded that:

“Depending upon the nature of the fraud, various laws including the Indian Penal Code 1860, are in place for protection against fraud.”

The last three questions involved speculations on “whether the government intends to introduce regulations specific to cryptocurrency trading in India.”

The minister answered these questions saying that:

“The government does not consider cryptocurrencies legal tender or coin and will take all measures to eliminate the use of these crypto-assets in financing illegitimate activities or as part of the payment system.”

Meanwhile, the minister added that the IMC “recommended in its report that all private cryptocurrencies, except any cryptocurrency issued by the state, be prohibited in India.” The minister noted that:

“The government would take a decision on the recommendations of the IMC, and the legislative proposal, if any, would be introduced in the parliament following due process.”


Unokuthenga iingqekembe ze-crypto apha: Thenga ivezwa

  • umrhwebi
  • benefits
  • Idiphozithi encinci
  • Inqaku
  • Ndwendwela iBroker
  • Iqonga lokurhweba nge-Cryptocurrency yokuwonga amabhaso
  • $ 100 idiphozithi encinci,
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$100 Idiphozithi encinci
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  • Ubuncinci bediphozithi $ 100
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$250 Idiphozithi encinci
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  • Khetha ukusebenzisa le fomu ukubanga i-50% yebhonasi yakho yediphozithi
$250 Idiphozithi encinci

Yabelana nabanye abarhwebi!

UAzeez Mustapha

U-Azeez Mustapha yingcali kwezorhwebo, umhlalutyi wemali, umhleli weempawu, kunye nomphathi wezezimali ngaphezulu kweminyaka elishumi yamava kwicandelo lezemali. Njengombhali webhlog kunye nombhali wezemali, unceda abatyali mali baqonde iikhonsepthi ezintsonkothileyo zemali, ukuphucula izakhono zabo zotyalo-mali, kunye nokufunda ukulawula imali yabo.

Shiya iMpendulo

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