Unyulo lukaMongameli wase-US lusondela kuThengiso lweMarike ekulindeleke ukuba lube kuyo

UAzeez Mustapha


Ukuvula iMiqondiso ye-Forex yemihla ngemihla

Khetha isicwangciso


I-1 - inyanga



I-3 - inyanga



I-6 - inyanga



Ubomi bonke



Ukwahlula iQela lokuRhweba ngeSwing



Fumana imiqondiso ye-VIP ye-forex, imiqondiso ye-crypto ye-VIP, imiqondiso yokujingi, kunye nekhosi ye-forex simahla ubomi bonke.

Vula nje iakhawunti kunye nomthengisi wethu odibeneyo kwaye wenze idiphozithi encinci: 250 USD.

Imeyli [imeyile ikhuselwe] kunye skrini yemali kwiakhawunti ukufikelela!


Uxhasiwe Uxhasiwe

Inkonzo yokurhweba ikopi. I-Algo yethu ivula ngokuzenzekelayo kwaye ivale urhwebo.


I-L2T Algo inikezela ngemiqondiso enengeniso ephezulu kunye nomngcipheko omncinci.


24/7 urhwebo cryptocurrency. Ngelixa ulalayo, siyarhweba.


Ukuseta imizuzu eli-10 kunye neenzuzo ezinkulu. Incwadi yesikhokelo ibonelelwe ngokuthenga.


79% izinga lempumelelo. Iziphumo zethu ziya kukuvuyisa.


Ukuya kuthi ga kwi-70 yorhwebo ngenyanga. Kukho ngaphezu kwe-5 izibini ezikhoyo.


Imirhumo yenyanga iqala kwi-£58.

Global stocks have dropped markedly last week, in part as the spread of the coronavirus has reached new all-time highs. Equally important, American investors have eased their positions in preparation for the presidential election. The yen and dollar rose sharply and ended up being the strongest.

The euro has been the worst performer since a return to coronavirus quarantine and expectations of ECB easing in December. The Australian dollar recently came in second weakest as traders expect the RBA to cut rates this week. The Canadian dollar was also under pressure from the sharp drop in oil prices.

In the coming days, volatility is guaranteed, as traders adjust their positions either depending on the continuation of the work of the current US administration, or in connection with the new one. We’re not going to speculate about the outcome of the race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
The Expectation on US Presidential Election
We expect to find out who will be the next president on the morning of November 4 in the event of a breakout scenario, where the outcome can be decided solely based on rapidly counting states such as Florida, Nevada, Texas, North Carolina, and Arizona.

In a tense race scenario, we might experience the same situation as the 2000 recount, when Al Gore lost more than a month after Election Day. Generally, the timing and potential delay in declaring a winner is much more uncertain in a closed race.

The rest of the considerations are more relevant in the case of a tight race. Remember that all election disputes must be resolved no later than December 8th by US law.

  • umrhwebi
  • benefits
  • Idiphozithi encinci
  • Inqaku
  • Ndwendwela iBroker
  • Iqonga lokurhweba nge-Cryptocurrency yokuwonga amabhaso
  • $ 100 idiphozithi encinci,
  • I-FCA kunye neCysec zilawulwa
$100 Idiphozithi encinci
  • I-20% yamkelekile ibhonasi ye- $ 10,000
  • Ubuncinci bediphozithi $ 100
  • Qinisekisa iakhawunti yakho ngaphambi kokuba kufakwe ibhonasi
$100 Idiphozithi encinci
  • Ngaphezulu kwe-100 yemveliso eyahlukeneyo yezemali
  • Gcina imali encinci njenge- $ 10
  • Ukurhoxiswa kwemini enye kunokwenzeka
$250 Idiphozithi encinci
  • Amaxabiso aphantsi okuThengisa
  • 50% Ibhonasi yeMkeleki
  • Ukuphumelela amabhaso Inkxaso yeyure ezingama-24
$50 Idiphozithi encinci
  • I-akhawunti yeMakethi yeMoneta yeNgxowa-mali enobuncinci be- $ 250
  • Khetha ukusebenzisa le fomu ukubanga i-50% yebhonasi yakho yediphozithi
$250 Idiphozithi encinci

Yabelana nabanye abarhwebi!

UAzeez Mustapha

U-Azeez Mustapha yingcali kwezorhwebo, umhlalutyi wemali, umhleli weempawu, kunye nomphathi wezezimali ngaphezulu kweminyaka elishumi yamava kwicandelo lezemali. Njengombhali webhlog kunye nombhali wezemali, unceda abatyali mali baqonde iikhonsepthi ezintsonkothileyo zemali, ukuphucula izakhono zabo zotyalo-mali, kunye nokufunda ukulawula imali yabo.

Shiya iMpendulo

Idilesi yakho ye email aziyi kupapashwa. amasimi ezifunekayo ziphawulwa *