Imali yegesi ye-Ethereum kwi-Skyrocket nangona iNtsebenzo yexabiso elibi

UAzeez Mustapha


Ukuvula iMiqondiso ye-Forex yemihla ngemihla

Khetha isicwangciso


I-1 - inyanga



I-3 - inyanga



I-6 - inyanga



Ubomi bonke



Ukwahlula iQela lokuRhweba ngeSwing



Fumana imiqondiso ye-VIP ye-forex, imiqondiso ye-crypto ye-VIP, imiqondiso yokujingi, kunye nekhosi ye-forex simahla ubomi bonke.

Vula nje iakhawunti kunye nomthengisi wethu odibeneyo kwaye wenze idiphozithi encinci: 250 USD.

Imeyli [imeyile ikhuselwe] kunye skrini yemali kwiakhawunti ukufikelela!


Uxhasiwe Uxhasiwe

Inkonzo yokurhweba ikopi. I-Algo yethu ivula ngokuzenzekelayo kwaye ivale urhwebo.


I-L2T Algo inikezela ngemiqondiso enengeniso ephezulu kunye nomngcipheko omncinci.


24/7 urhwebo cryptocurrency. Ngelixa ulalayo, siyarhweba.


Ukuseta imizuzu eli-10 kunye neenzuzo ezinkulu. Incwadi yesikhokelo ibonelelwe ngokuthenga.


79% izinga lempumelelo. Iziphumo zethu ziya kukuvuyisa.


Ukuya kuthi ga kwi-70 yorhwebo ngenyanga. Kukho ngaphezu kwe-5 izibini ezikhoyo.


Imirhumo yenyanga iqala kwi-£58.

Gas costs for Ethereum have recorded an alarming jump, rising 84% from $2.58 per transaction on October 8 to $4.75 for each transaction on October 10. Since August 11, 2022, or around 61 days ago, Ethereum costs have not surpassed $4.

According to data from, the average transfer price for October 10 was $2.2 per transaction. The high priority cost today is approximately 27 gwei, or $0.62 per transaction, according to’s gas tracker, which also indicated an increase in gas fees.

According to’s gas tracker, rates were lower before The Merge, with a high priority charge of about 11 gwei, or $0.34 per transfer, as of 6 weeks ago, or on August 28, 2022. High-priority transfers have fees of about $0.62, although switching and relocating an ERC20 token can cost more.

In comparison to August 28, when an Opensea sale cost $1.17 for each transaction, it now costs $2.13 per transaction. A Uniswap exchange currently costs an estimated $5.49, compared to $3.03 44 days ago.

Ethereum On-Chain Transfer Statistics Remain Low

Today, August 18, the cost of sending an ERC20 token like USDT or USDC is $1.61, compared to $0.89 on August 18. Compared to Ethereum’s on-chain transfer statistics, layer two (L2) fees remain significantly less expensive.

ETH transfers via Metis Network cost about $0.01, while those via Loopring cost $0.02. The cost to transfer ETH using Zksync, Arbitrum, and Optimism will all be around $0.03, with Optimism currently being a little more expensive at $0.10.

The Aztec network charges about $0.25 per transfer, while the Boba network charges about $0.15. Depending on the L2 used, the cost to switch an ERC20 via an L2 protocol might range from $0.05 to $0.32.


Ungathenga i-Lucky Block apha. Thenga i-LBLOCK

  • umrhwebi
  • benefits
  • Idiphozithi encinci
  • Inqaku
  • Ndwendwela iBroker
  • Iqonga lokurhweba nge-Cryptocurrency yokuwonga amabhaso
  • $ 100 idiphozithi encinci,
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$100 Idiphozithi encinci
  • I-20% yamkelekile ibhonasi ye- $ 10,000
  • Ubuncinci bediphozithi $ 100
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$100 Idiphozithi encinci
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  • Gcina imali encinci njenge- $ 10
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$250 Idiphozithi encinci
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$250 Idiphozithi encinci

Yabelana nabanye abarhwebi!

UAzeez Mustapha

U-Azeez Mustapha yingcali kwezorhwebo, umhlalutyi wemali, umhleli weempawu, kunye nomphathi wezezimali ngaphezulu kweminyaka elishumi yamava kwicandelo lezemali. Njengombhali webhlog kunye nombhali wezemali, unceda abatyali mali baqonde iikhonsepthi ezintsonkothileyo zemali, ukuphucula izakhono zabo zotyalo-mali, kunye nokufunda ukulawula imali yabo.

Shiya iMpendulo

Idilesi yakho ye email aziyi kupapashwa. amasimi ezifunekayo ziphawulwa *