Warta anyar-anyar ieu

Dollar Ngareureuhkeun Rally sakumaha AS ngahasilkeun Surge

Dollar Ngareureuhkeun Rally sakumaha AS ngahasilkeun Surge

Dolar Nyiapkeun pikeun Rebound di Pasar Risiko-Di Kuat

All global investors were in risk search mode in the first full week of 2021. This came despite all the headlines about a surge in coronavirus infection and deaths, a return to lockdown, chaos in Washington, and Joe Biden’s certification as President-elect of the United States. The dollar did not perform well, but surprisingly there […]

Maca deui

Perbaikan Saksi-Saksi Dolar Sanaos Kurangna Tos Teras

The dollar continues to recover, but it looks like there are no further purchases yet. It remains one of the weakest of the week along with Sterling. The Aussie and New Zealand dollar are also losing some of their gains this week. The US Senate and House of Representatives have confirmed the victory of President-elect […]

Maca deui

Euro Pikeun Tetep Kuat Kusabab Kalemahan Dollar Terus

The dollar ended the year on a weak note and may remain under selling pressure. After growing by almost 10% in 2020, the euro/dollar will continue to strengthen in 2021. As the eurozone continues to struggle with a slow recovery and subdued inflation, the overall weakness in the US dollar is expected to support the […]

Maca deui

2020: Emas Kuat, Dolar Lemah Ditengah Vaksin COVID-19, Pasatujuan Brexit

Emas rally rada di tengah jatuh dolar deui, tapi kamajuan global dina vaksinasi ngahambat paménta panyumputan. Sanaos terobosan anyar dina vaksin COVID, panerapan parantos nguciwakeun, sareng gelombang ayeuna sigana peryogi tindakan anu langkung ketat dina sababaraha minggu ka payun. Langkung ti sataun parantos kalangkungan kasus-kasus anu munggaran […]

Maca deui

The Dollar Rally Bisa Singket dina Post Brexit Deal

Dina sataun nu flipped jadi loba norma, dollar murag. Mata uang cadangan global katinggaleun sasama G10 na, tapi turunna paling dibuktikeun dina sababaraha pasar anu langkung alit dina periphery keuangan global. The Kyat ditambahkeun 11% ngalawan dollar, kinerja pangalusna di Asia. Uptick nyaéta amplified […]

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