
MATIC Gain Rojongan salaku Mitra Usaha Lain Jeung Polygon

Partnership panganyarna antara Polygon jeung Bisonai narékahan pikeun ngaronjatkeun infrastruktur Web3 scalable jeung adaptable pikeun pausahaan di sakuliah dunya. Kusabab Polygon tiasa ngolah seueur transaksi sakaligus, Bisonai milih éta tina jaringan blockchain anu sanés pikeun dianggo. Bisonai basis Singapura nyaéta panyadia ladenan pikeun ngembangkeun blockchain. Numutkeun CEO Bisonai, […]

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Polygon Muncul salaku PoS Crypto Paling Dipilarian di 18 Amérika Serikat

Panaliti nunjukkeun yén minat warga Amérika Serikat parantos ningkat sacara signifikan. Numutkeun kana The Money Monger, sakelompok peneliti anu aya kana proyék web3 sareng cryptocurrency, Polygon ayeuna mangrupikeun salah sahiji aset crypto basis PoS anu paling ditéang di Amérika Serikat. Inferensi ieu disimpulkeun tina analisis […]

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Poténsi Tibalik Polygon Ngaronjat salaku Tawaran Partnership Mikat Pamekar sareng Pamaén

Lollipop mangrupikeun merek balap énggal anu didamel salaku hasil tina perjanjian anyar antara Polygon Labs sareng Fitur. Produksi Fast and Furious parantos ngajantenkeun Feature janten perusahaan hiburan sareng téknologi anu terkenal. Steven Ilous, CEO Feature, nyatakeun kabingahan na kana kerjasama sareng proyék énggal, nyatakeun yén duanana […]

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Matic ngabales antisipasi paus 'tina zkEVM Mainnet peluncuran

Since the beginning of the month, MATIC has surprisingly increased in value. The increase in activity on the coin’s blockchain, however, also occurs at the same time as the appreciation. Alicharts also claims that the whales have already spent more than $60 million to amass more MATIC. In Santiment’s graph, it was evident that the […]

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Pamekar Ghost, Koin Privasi, Mutuskeun pikeun Mindahkeun ka Polygon

Recently, GHOST’s developers announced their decision to divert from their initial plan to build a two-way bridge on Polygon. It is worth noting that the idea behind the creation of GHOST, a privacy coin, was brought about by John McAfee, who has now passed away. Ghost, on the other hand, continues to evolve even after […]

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Investor Mibanda Kapercayaan Leuwih dina Polygon sakumaha Penjualan NFT Na Steeply Ngaronjatkeun

Kapercayaan investor dina Polygon sigana ningkat nalika penjualan NFT naék. Kanyataanna, salila dua bulan kaliwat on OpenSea, jualan Polygon NFT geus outpaced jualan Ethereum ku margin lega. Penting pikeun dicatet yén Polygon mangrupikeun salah sahiji ti saeutik koin anu tetep cukup tahan banting pikeun kabur […]

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Langkung seueur kagiatan dina Polygon nalika AI NFT Diluncurkeun

More activities on Polygon as AI Non-Fungitive Tokens (NFTs) launch on Polygon. According to Nailwal, the development is worth supporting as the Polygon ecosystem thrives and grows. The AI NFTs are in the form of avatars, which are trained to interact with real people. Using text-based prompts, users will be able to create NFT avatars […]

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Pamekar Polygon Milarian Biaya Gas sareng Waktu Verifikasi Bulan Ieu

The Polygon Blockchain has been experiencing tremendous activity, which has resulted in a sharp rise in gas fees. Furthermore, for the past few days, the verification of transactions has been taking longer than is necessary. This experience gave rise to the notion of launching a hard fork of Polygon. If the community of the Polygon […]

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