
Strategi Investasi Crypto Sampurna - Bagéan 1

STRATEGI INVESTASI CRYPTO JANGJANG JANGJANG “… Cryptoassets mangrupikeun révolusi institusional pangageungna ti saprak Revolusi Industri sareng aranjeunna ngagambarkeun investasi saumur hirup.” - Van K. Tharp, PhD Naon ideu na? Koin crypto naon anu anjeun kedah mésér? Salaku conto, anjeun panginten hoyong nanem modal pikeun token DeFi populér. Numutkeun ka John Hargrave, pikeun […]

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Pitunjuk Perkenalan pikeun Token Saham

Stock tokens, typically held by Binance, are digital assets that closely track the price action of traditional financial securities, like stocks of publicly traded companies. These tokens are delta-one products backed by physical shares, which means that price movements in the underlying assets are replicated to the tee by the derivative. Unlike traditional stocks, interested […]

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Régulator Jérman Ngingetkeun Binance tina Résiko Pelanggaran Hukum Sekuritas sareng Token Saham

Some weeks ago, Binance released its commission-free tradable stock tokens to help link the cryptocurrency industry and Wall Street. However, a top German financial regulator, BaFin, has warned that Binance could face heavy fines and scrutiny for offering security tokens without publishing the investor prospectus. Upon launch, the behemoth exchange announced that it would allow […]

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Binance Padamelan Tilas Executives FATF pikeun Ngalaksanakeun Prakték Peraturan sareng Patuh

Bursa mata uang kripto panggedéna di dunya, Binance, ngumumkeun yén éta bakal nyewa dua urut anggota Pasukan Tugas Aksi Keuangan (FATF) pikeun nguatkeun patuh sareng panangan pangaturan. Panganyarna pikeun organisasi nyaéta Rick McDonell sareng Josee Nadeau. Bursa nyatakeun dina siaran pers sateuacana ayeuna yén tujuanana pikeun ningkatkeun AML na [...]

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CFTC ngajalankeun Probe Kana Kana Binance ngeunaan Penjualan Derivatif Tanpa Kadaptar

The world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, is reportedly under investigation by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) for letting residents trade derivatives without having the necessary registration. Although the CEO of the company, Changpeng Zhao, has come out to call the accusation a “FUD,” it didn’t stop the cryptocurrency market from taking the news […]

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