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Arah Pasar USDCAD Ngahurungkeun Bullish

Arah Pasar USDCAD Ngahurungkeun Bullish

USDCAD Tetep Ranging Antara Zona Utama

Analisis USDCAD - 30 Juni USDCAD tetep antara luhur genep bulan na (1.3000) sareng low genep bulan na (1.2500). Nepi ka 31 Méi 2021, pasar USDCAD parantos dina gerakan anu bearish, ngabentuk tingkat luhur sareng handap handap. Antara Méi 2021 sareng Désémber 2021, USDCAD ngawangun tingkat luhur sareng handap anu langkung luhur, nunjukkeun yén […]

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USDCAD Undulating dina Arah Kaluhur

USDCAD Analysis – June 15 USDCAD is undulating in an upward direction. The market’s latest move sees it bounce back off the conduit channel’s lower border to reach the channel’s upper border. The bullish strength in the market is currently very strong. However, there are hesitations as the price climbs towards the 1.28980 significant level. […]

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USDCAD Bears Mindahkeun Moméntum Pasar dina Ni'matna

USDCAD Analysis – June 1 USDCAD bears have reconstructed the market to push momentum in their favour. Buyers were assumed to have full control over the market. They had interrupted the bearish flow below the triangle pattern and redirected the market upward. After that, the market enjoyed a period of an unabated uptrend that breaks […]

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USD / CAD Nyegerkeun Lows Daily 1.2760 salaku Indéks Dollar (DXY) Leungitkeun Kakuatan, sareng Harga Minyak Naék

USD / CAD dipped sharply salila sési Tokyo, bari indéks Dollar depreciate dina moméntum luhur sarta harga minyak ngaronjat alatan worries suplai anyar. USD / CAD ngalaman aksi gaya handap dinten ieu (Jumaah). Saatos parobihan sakedik arahna, pasar narik perhatian para pembeli dina tingkat harga 1.2318, teras dicelup dugi ka […]

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