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Nasdaq (US100) harga turun kana Téritori Oversold

Nasdaq (US100) harga turun kana Téritori Oversold

Nasdaq (NAS100) Siap Neruskeun Kampanye Bullish Ku Formasi Bandéra Bullish

Analisis NAS100 - 26 Pebruari NAS100 siap neraskeun kampanye bullish na sareng formasi bandéra bullish. Pasar ngajemput moméntum, tepatna dina awal taun. Ieu ngakibatkeun gerakan luhur kuat ti tingkat paménta 10695.0. Hargana teras nyanghareupan sababaraha tingkat utama, ngalanggar sadayana dugi ka […]

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Nasdaq (AS 100) Ngabentuk Double-Top dina Tingkat Pasokan

The Nasdaq uptrend has been put to a halt at the 12795.0 supply level. The buyers are exhausted after pushing through multiple resistance zones. US 100 Key Levels Demand Levels: 12071.0, 11311.0, 10665.0Supply Levels: 12795.0, 13638.0, 14400.0 Nasdaq Long-term Trend: Bearish Nasdaq bulls have faced stiff resistance from the 12795.0 resistance level. The demand level […]

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US100 Ngahontal Tingkat Pasokan Utama

Market Analysis – February 12 US100 has reached the major supply level of 12864.0. The bulls are facing resistance pushing through the zone. US100 Key Levels Demand Levels: 11324.0, 10691.0, 10347.0Supply Levels: 12864.0, 13703.0, 15270.0 US100 Long-term trend: Bullish US100 experienced multiple long-term downtrends in 2022.The first of the bearish swings started in April. It […]

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US100 deposit Blok Orde Bullish Dina naek na

Market Analysis – February 5  US100 delivered the sell-side of the market from August to September. The market declined from the supply level at 13705.0 to the demand level at 10708.0. The market is coming delivering the buy-side of the market. US100 Key Levels Resistance Levels: 12732.0, 13214.0, 13705.0Support Levels: 12187.0, 11300.0, 10708.0 US100 Long-term […]

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Nasdaq 100 Sustains Trading Luhureun $10,900 Tanda Harga

Since nine trading sessions ago, the Nasdaq 100 price action ripped through the Fibonacci support level of 78.60. Currently, price action has rebounded upwards from near $10,600 to $10,939. However, trading indicators continue to point to the possibility of further price increases. Major Price Levels: Top Levels: $10,939, $11,000, $11,050 Floor Levels: $10,900, $10,850, $10,800 […]

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NAS100 Aya dina Pindah Gigireun sakumaha Ieu Revisits Level 10661.40

Zona Résistansi konci: 16000, 16500, 17000Zona Rojongan Konci: 13500, 13000, 12500 NASDAQ 100 (NAS100) Tren Jangka Panjang: BearishHarga NAS100 turun nalika ningali deui tingkat 10661.40. Kusabab Nopémber 15, pembeli geus ngusahakeun pikeun megatkeun ngaliwatan lalawanan dina tingkat 12000. Tapi, sanggeus tilu usaha gagal, NAS100 murag handap garis rata pindah. Dinten ayeuna, […]

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