
GBPJPY Neruskeun Trend Pasar dina Arah Kaluhur

GBPJPY Analysis- July 8 GBPJPY resumes the market trend in an upward direction from the 157.800 demand zone. GBPJPY market had been trending in an upward direction until February 24, 2021, when the bulls drove the price beyond the previous resistance level. After this breakout, prices began to struggle between two major levels in the […]

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GBPJPY Nunjukkeun Ngabalikeun Harga anu caket

Analisis GBPJPY - 10 Juni GBPJPY nunjukkeun ngabalikeun harga deukeut ka tingkat lalawanan 168.710. Indikator pasar nunjukkeun yén aya kasempetan mésér konsisten pikeun harga GBPJPY dina waktos ayeuna. Para padagang beuli kungsi diantisipasi hiji kacenderungan harga saluareun 168.710. Sanajan kitu, nu sellers ayeuna modifying kacenderungan bullish. Ayeuna aya […]

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Harga GBPJPY Ngarecah Ti 161.880 Tingkat Résistansi salaku Bulls Ngahasilkeun Kakuatan

GBPJPY Analysis – June 3 GBPJPY price breaks away from the 161.880 resistance level as bulls regain strength. Buyers have stepped up their activity to boost price momentum and push the level higher above the level of significant resistance. Therefore, as long as more positions are placed for a bullish breakout, the bulls will continue […]

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GBPJPY Niat Neruskeun Ku Ayunan Impulsif Pasar

Analisis GBPJPY - 29 April GBPJPY badé neraskeun ayunan impulsif pasar. Handap ledakan harga disababkeun ku sellers on struktur harga GBPJPY, ieu datang salaku hasil tina ayun harga low, jeung bulls terus rally onward. Nalika tren bullish maju, hargana turun langsung ka […]

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GBPJPY Ngalaman Breakout Sukses tina Triangle Simétris

GBPJPY Price Analysis – February 25 GBPJPY experiences a successful breakout of a symmetrical triangle during this week of trading. There was a successful break of a descending triangle on the 4th of October the previous year. GBPJPY formed the descending triangle between May and October last year. The demand zone at 149.140 held the […]

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