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Ethereum Aya Turunna Tapi Targetna $3,056 Rendah

Ethereum Aya Turunna Tapi Targetna $3,056 Rendah

Ethereum Aya dina Kisaran Heureut nalika Padagang Ngahontal Kateupastian

Ethereum ETH) Statistik AyeunaHarga ayeuna: $1,884.43 Kapitalisasi Pasar: $227,992,890,488Volume Dagang: $2,415,827,884Zona suplai utama: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Zona paménta utama: $1,700, $1,500, Ethereum (Ethereum, $1,000) , 29Ethereum (ETH) harga boga tetep stabil antara garis rata pindah salaku padagang ngahontal indecision. Kiwari, altcoin anu paling penting turun kusabab panolakan dina […]

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Ethereum Konsolidasi tapi Tetep handap $1,880 High

Ethereum ETH) Statistik AyeunaHarga ayeuna: $1,861.61Kapitalisasi Pasar: $223,766,469,440Volume Dagang: $4,090,566,617Zona suplai utama: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Zona paménta utama: $1,700, zona paménta utama: $1,500, Ethereum (Ethereum $1,000) 28, 2023Ethereum (ETH) hargana masih dagang antara garis rata pindah tapi tetep handap $1,880 luhur. Dina basa sejen, altcoin paling berharga geus dikonci antara [...]

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Ethereum Slips kana Range Bound Move Bari Nyepeng leuwih $1,800

Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $1,897.99Market Capitalization: $228,198,962,155Trading Volume: $7,417,658,601Major supply zones: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Major demand zones: $1,700, $1,500, $1,000 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis July 21, 2023The price of Ethereum (ETH) has slipped between the moving average lines while holding over $1,800. The altcoin is trading below the 21-day simple moving average but above […]

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Ethereum Asupkeun Zona Wates Range sakumaha ngahontal $1,827

Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $1,906.68Market Capitalization: $229,172,175,247Trading Volume: $6,311,653,897Major supply zones: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Major demand zones: $1,700, $1,500, $1,000 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis July 20, 2023Ethereum (ETH) price is in decline, falling below the 21-day SMA as it reaches $1,827. The decrease has slowed in the area between the moving average lines. The […]

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EUR / JPY Recovers sakumaha Kepalana nuju Level 167.00

Tingkat Résistansi konci: 160.00, 162.00, 164.00Tingkat Rojongan konci: 150.00, 148.00, 146.00 EUR / JPY Harga Trend Jangka Panjang: Bullish Harga eur / JPY geus retraced luhur rojongan 153.32 sakumaha eta huluna167.00 arah tingkat 50. Pasangan mata uang turun handap garis rata pindah. Kalayan kecap sanésna, Yen langkung luhur tibatan SMA XNUMX dinten tapi langkung handap tina […]

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Lonjakan Bullish Ethereum Diteruskeun sakumaha Tetep di luhur $ 1,900

Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $1,935.0Market Capitalization: $232,547,148,266Trading Volume: $4,185,117,621Major supply zones: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Major demand zones: $1,700, $1,500, $1,000 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis July 16, 2023Ethereum (ETH) price is rebounding below the psychological price barrier as the bullish surge continues above $1,900. On July 15, the cryptocurrency’s price reached a new high but […]

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Ethereum Aya dina Range tapi Nyepeng di luhur $ 1,800 Rojongan

Ethereum ETH) Current StatisticsThe current price: $1,871.73Market Capitalization: $224,977,637,461Trading Volume: $6,348,381,121Major supply zones: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Major demand zones: $1,700, $1,500, $1,000 Ethereum (ETH) Price Analysis July 12, 2023The price of Ethereum (ETH) is climbing but holds above $1,800 support. Since July 6, the altcoin had been caught between the moving average lines. Doji candlesticks have […]

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Ethereum Hovers luhureun Level Breakout sakumaha Tujuan pikeun $2,100

Ethereum ETH) Statistik AyeunaHarga ayeuna: $1,941.98 Kapitalisasi Pasar: $233,416,912,163Volume Dagang: $6Bzona suplai utama: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Zona paménta utama: $1,700, $1,500, Harga TH1,000 Ethereum (Ethereum TH4, $2023, $1,968) ) harga boga naék ka luhur $2,100 sabab tujuanana pikeun $2,000. Mangkaning, indikasi harga ngaramalkeun yén Éter bakal naék ngalangkungan $XNUMX […]

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Ethereum Backtracks tina Puncakna $1,920 Nalika Nyanghareupan Serelek

Ethereum ETH) Statistik AyeunaHarga ayeuna: $1,925.64Kapitalisasi Pasar: $231,251,662,847Volume Dagang: $12Bzona suplai utama: $3,000, $3,500, $4,000Zona paménta utama: $1,700, $1,500 Harga Juni 1,000 Analisa Ethereum 30, hargana of Ethereum (ETH) geus retesting tingkat lalawanan tina $2023 sabab nyanghareupan serelek a. Pembeli ngajaga moméntum bullish di luhur […]

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