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Harga Cardano Mumbul Pareum $ 0.709 Tingkat

Harga Cardano Mumbul Pareum $ 0.709 Tingkat

CEO Cardano Slams Token Burning, Sasaruaanana pikeun Maok Dahareun

Pangadeg sarta CEO Cardano (ADA), Charles Hoskinson, geus diucapkeun niatna ngalawan gagasan sweeping ékonomi deflationary dina industri cryptocurrency. Bapak Hoskinson dijieun jurus nentang na dipikawanoh dina AMA panganyarna (nanya kuring nanaon) sési on YouTube, ngabandingkeun prakték token ngabeuleum jeung maok dahareun. Anjeunna nyatakeun yén kagiatan éta ngagambarkeun […]

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Cardano Records Langkung ti 2,000 Aplikasi Kontrak Smart dina Opat Poe

Following the recent Alonzo Mainnet upgrade, Smart Contracts (SC) compatibility has become a reality for Cardano (ADA) developers. The upgrade allows developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) services. With the recent creation of new SC projects, the network could witness a massive influx of new dApps. Reports show that the network […]

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Cardano Sumpingan Seuneu Saatos Isu Konkurénsi dina Alonzo Testnet

Cardano (ADA) has come under criticism following reports of a concurrency issue discovered in the Alonzo testnet. The Cardano team announced some days ago that the Smart Contract functionality had gotten integrated on the Alonzo Testnet. The Alonzo Mainnet upgrade will go live on September 12. However, a recent Twitter thread by Ethereum enthusiast Anthony […]

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Yayasan Cardano Nyorong pikeun Minuhan Pangaturan anu Hadé sareng Integrasi Coinfirm

The Cardano Foundation appears to be toeing the line towards better regulatory compliance practices following a recent announcement to integrate Anti-Money Laundering analytics firm Coinfirm into the Cardano ecosystem. Coinfirm confirmed the development last Tuesday with an announcement to deploy its top-notch AML/CFT analytics system to ensure best regulatory-compliance practices by Cardano with the FATF’s […]

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Cardano pikeun Ngajalankeun ERC-20 Converter Ditengah Koréksi Pasar-Jembar

Cardano (ADA) geus ngumumkeun yén éta ngarencanakeun pikeun ngajalankeun hiji converter ERC-20 pikeun masihan usability aset basis Ethereum kana testnet na. Numutkeun kana pengumuman pidéo anu dipasang ku IOHK, tés kasaluyuan ERC-20 kedah kajantenan minggu payun sareng tiasa janten parobihan anu penting pikeun Cardano upami éta skala tés. Numutkeun Fransisco [...]

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Cardano ngumumkeun Tanggal Rilis Resmi pikeun Pamutahiran Alonzo Mainnet

The Cardano team has announced an official date for the release of its long-awaited Smart Contract capability rollout. According to IOHK, the host company of Cardano, the Alonzo hard fork will go live on September 12. The integration of Smart Contracts on the proof-of-stake platform will allow developers to create dApps satisfying use cases like […]

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