Tbassir tal-Prezz Quant: QNTUSD Mistenni li jerġa' jittestja l-Fruntiera ta' Fuq tal-Kanal, u Sparking Rally fis-Suq

Azeez Mustapha


Nisfruttaw Sinjali Forex ta 'Kuljum

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Tbassir tal-Prezz Quant: 24 ta' Marzu

il Quant price forecast is that the market will retest the upper border of its flag channel and rally. This means that the QNT price is expected to rise and approach the upper limit of the range defined by the flag pattern.

Tendenza Quant fit-Tul: Bullish (Ċart ta' Jum)

Livelli Ewlenin:
Żoni ta 'provvista: $155.70, $147.60, $134.20
Żoni ta' Domanda: $101.30, $125.25, $$115.00

Tbassir tal-Prezz Quant: QNTUSD Mistenni li jerġa' jittestja l-Fruntiera ta' Fuq tal-Kanal, u Sparking Rally fis-Suq

il Quant buyers need an extra source of strength to continue the expected market rally. The price has been thus far confined to between $134.20 and $125.25. However, the market has now decided to plunge through the support in the search for a trigger that will help start a rally. The destination is at the upper border of the former channel. From here, Quant is expected to gain strength and push beyond the $134.20 key level.

Tbassir tal-Prezz Quant: QNT/USD Outlook

Quant finished the month of January by committing itself to a descending channel. It then undulated within the channel up until mid-March, after which it rose strongly to defy the upper border of the channel.

Due to the strength with which the price broke out, the buyers became exhausted and didn’t rise beyond the $134.20 key level. The price has since been ranging, with $125.25 acting as support.

Nevertheless, the coin has fallen below the support level, and the buyers are hoping to find a trigger at the upper border of the former channel. As such, the MACD lines may slide further laterally before rising above the zero level.

QNT/USD Xejra ta' Terminu Medju: Bullish (chart ta' 4 sigħat)

On the 4-hour chart, the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) lines, which had hitherto risen above the zero level, have gradually descended below the zero level in response to the drop of the price below the $125.25 support level. The price is not approaching the upper border of the descending channel.

Tbassir tal-Prezz Quant: QNTUSD Mistenni li jerġa' jittestja l-Fruntiera ta' Fuq tal-Kanal, u Sparking Rally fis-Suq

Meanwhile, the Parabolic SAR (Stop and Reverse) has just switched above the daily candles in confirmation of the descent of the price. Also on the 4-hour chart, the indicator has more dots above the candles than below. The goal is to rebound off the strong border of the descending channel, after which buyers can gain strength to rally the market beyond the $134.20 key level.

Poġġi snajja Quant rebbieħa magħna. Ikseb QNT hawn

NotaTgħallem2.negozju mhuwiex konsulent finanzjarju. Agħmel ir-riċerka tiegħek qabel tinvesti l-fondi tiegħek fi kwalunkwe assi finanzjarju jew prodott jew avveniment ippreżentat. Aħna mhux responsabbli għar-riżultati tal-investiment tiegħek.


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Azeez Mustapha

Azeez Mustapha huwa professjonist tal-kummerċ, analista tal-munita, strateġista tas-sinjali, u maniġer tal-fondi b'aktar minn għaxar snin ta 'esperjenza fil-qasam finanzjarju. Bħala blogger u awtur tal-finanzi, huwa jgħin lill-investituri jifhmu kunċetti finanzjarji kumplessi, itejbu l-ħiliet ta ’investiment tagħhom, u jitgħallmu kif jamministraw flushom.

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