Aħbarijiet reċenti

USDJPY Breaks Through 152.0 Barriera tar-Reżistenza

USDJPY Breaks Through 152.0 Barriera tar-Reżistenza

USDJPY Bears Mexxew b'suċċess is-Suq għal Żona ta 'Domanda

Analiżi USDJPY - 4 ta 'Awwissu L-orsijiet ta' USDJPY wasslu b'suċċess lis-suq lejn iż-żona tad-domanda f'131.50. Is-suq ilu fi tendenza ’l fuq minn meta l-prezzijiet ħarġu mill-konsolidazzjoni fil-11 ta’ Marzu, 2022. Qabel il-11 ta’ Marzu, 2022, is-suq kien qed jikkonsolida f’firxa bħala korrezzjoni għall- […]

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USDJPY Ikompli l-Fażi ta’ Korrezzjoni tiegħu 'l isfel

USDJPY Analysis – The Market Continues Its Correction Phase Downward USDJPY continues its correction phase downward after a long period of market rallying for months. Over an extended period, the market’s order flow has been bullish. The bearish movement in April and June ended at the 126.50 support level, and the bulls continued to drive […]

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USDJPY Jipprepara biex jibdel ix-xejra tas-suq

USDJPY Market Analysis – July 22 USDJPY prepares to change market trend from an upward direction. USDJPY market began to rise in mid-March. The USDJPY rallied higher, breaking through the previous resistance level of 126.00 to reach the other previous resistance level of 131.50. When the market reached the previous resistance level of 131.50, the […]

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USDJPY Juri Sinjali ta 'Bidla ta' Xejra Minn Direzzjoni 'l fuq

USDJPY Analysis – July 14 USDJPY shows signs of trend change from an upward direction in the market as it approaches upthrust after distribution (UTAD). On the daily timeframe, the market keeps rallying and forming higher highs and higher lows. Until March 4, 2022, the market had been in an accumulation phase, only to break […]

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USDJPY Jagħmel Sinjali ta 'Bidla ta' Xejra Minn Direzzjoni 'l fuq

Analiżi USDJPY- 7 ta 'Lulju USDJPY jagħmel sinjali ta' bidla fit-tendenza minn direzzjoni 'l fuq fis-suq. Fuq il-perjodu ta 'żmien ta' kuljum, is-suq ikompli jogħla u jifforma quċċati ogħla u baxxi ogħla. Sal-4 ta’ Marzu 2022, is-suq kien qed jikkonsolida f’mudell rettangolari strett, biss biex faqqa’ fl-istess direzzjoni 'l fuq […]

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Ix-Xerrejja tal-USDJPY Iwaqqfu Tendenza Bullish 'il fuq mil-Livell Ewlenin 134.500

USDJPY Analysis – Buyers Set up a Bullish Tendency Above 134.500 After Retracement USDJPY buyers set up a bullish tendency above the key level of 134.500. The buy traders are still in the business of positioning price orders for USDJPY value to increase. On the other hand, the sell merchants are impeding the bullish trend. […]

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Il-prezz USDJPY Għadu Proattiv f'Ttendenza Bullish

USDJPY Analysis – June 9 USDJPY price is still proactive in its bullish tendency despite a break over beyond the 131.260 key level. However, the stochastic indicator is drawing our attention to the overbought area, even though the price value is continually engaged in shooting the market influence higher in an upward direction. The signal […]

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USDJPY Jinsab Overbought u Timmira l-Livell Ewlenin 131.450

USDJPY Analysis – June 2 USDJPY is overbought and aims for the 131.450 key level. While trading is taking place so close to this key level, the Stochastic oscillator is already indicating that the region of overbought conditions has been reached. The buyers tried to continue their bullish inclination upward. However, selling traders want to […]

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USD/JPY Jibqa 'Difensiv Qrib 127.00 Minħabba USD aktar dgħajfa, Taħditiet Relatati Boj

During today’s European trading period, the USD/JPY price action has showed two activities. However, this activity includes inverting the initial day’s rally, which broke; a 2-day downward movement and revisits the in-day low. Having mentioned this, the JPY appears to battle the mixed promoters as it relaxes to the 127 price level. The USD/JPY move […]

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