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USDJPY Breaks Through 152.0 Barriera tar-Reżistenza

USDJPY Breaks Through 152.0 Barriera tar-Reżistenza

USD/JPY Antiċipat li Jiġbed Pawsa fl-Ordni tal-Bejgħ peress li l-Indiċi tad-Dollaru Juri Aktar Dgħjufija

USD/JPY experienced a fickled directional change, after reaching its lowest 1-day price of 126.67 during the Asian Trading period.  Since three days ago the pair has been trading within a specific range. Thus the USD/JPY is hoped to keep narrowing its range as there are no major economic event in today’s trading period. Examining the […]

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L-Oppożizzjoni tax-Xiri ta 'USDJPY Se Testendi Taħt il-Livell ta' Appoġġ 126.420

USDJPY Analysis – May 26 USDJPY buying resistance is expected to extend below the 126.420 critical zone. The buying influence has been submerged due to selling pressure on the USDJPY price action. The dollar began to decline with respect to the yen following the bullish ride towards the 131.400 key level. However, the bullish pressure […]

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USDJPY Bullish Outclass Qed Jiġi Ritratt hekk kif il-Valur tiegħu Jaqa '

USDJPY Analysis – May 12 USDJPY bullish outclass is being retracted as its value intends to fall back beyond the 128.640 key zone. The daily chart demonstrates a bullish consistency in pushing the price effect. However, the selling pressure has dampened this effect. The price is currently looking for a retracement in the value propensity. […]

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Ix-Xerrejja tal-USDJPY jistinkaw biex Jespandu t-Txejra tal-Prezzijiet

Analiżi USDJPY - April 28 Ix-xerrejja ta 'USDJPY jagħmlu ħilithom biex jespandu t-tendenza tal-prezz lil hinn mil-livell sinifikanti ta' 126.960. L-espansjoni bullish hija determinata li tmur ogħla fis-suq bil-momentum jiżdied. In-negozjanti tax-xiri għalhekk waqqfu diversi blokki ta 'ordnijiet hekk kif il-prezz ikompli jespandi 'l fuq. Dawn l-oqsma qed jiġu vvalutati […]

Aqra iktar

USDJPY Kompli Żomm ir-Reżiljenza Bullish

USDJPY Analysis – April 14 USDJPY continues to maintain bullish resilience with an increase in momentum. The bullish order in the market is said to continue as price propulsion also heightens. The buyers are currently willing to purchase more for a profit at higher-order blocks. This, therefore, implies that on the 1-day chart, there will […]

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Il-prezz USDJPY Se jerġa 'jikseb il-Qawwa Bullish Ftit Wara l-Espożizzjoni tal-Bears

USDJPY Price Analysis – April 7 USDJPY price will regain bullish strength shortly after bears’ exposure in the market. Over recent weeks, the bulls have been controlling the signature of price influence in the market. The buyers have been on alert to push the USDJPY market upward following a breakout in the trend channel. Since […]

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Il-barrin USDJPY Huma Mistennija li Jirritornaw Qabel Ikomplu 'l fuq

Analiżi tal-Prezz USDJPY - 31 ta 'Marzu Il-barrin USDJPY rebound fil-livell sinifikanti 121.200 qabel ma jkomplu. Il-prezz beda b'mewġa bullish qawwija u kiser il-livell sinifikanti 121.200 fis-suq. Il-bejjiegħa issa qed jinnegozjaw it-tendenza tal-prezz lura għal dan il-livell kritiku. In-negozjanti li jbiegħu jivvalutaw il-prezz iżda mhumiex […]

Aqra iktar

USDJPY Ikompli bil-Bullish Streak tiegħu, Bil-Prezzijiet Jogħla 'l fuq mil-Livell Ewlenin 118.00

USDJPY Analysis – March 24 USDJPY continues its bullish streak, with prices surging above the 118.00 key level. The bulls’ pressure is assumed to increase due to buyers’ confidence to buy more positions at pending order blocks in the market. The buying pressure in the markets is likely to continue in the market for a […]

Aqra iktar

USD/JPY Pożizzjonat biex jirkupra 119.0 hekk kif il-Bank tal-Ġappun iżomm ir-rata tal-imgħax kostanti għal -0.1 fil-mija

USD/JPY is gliding near 118.70 after it claimed a new 6years high at 119.12 and it is currently focusing to reclaim the 119.12 as BoJ (Bank of Japan) has left the interest rate unhampered at -0.1 percent. The decision to keep the interest rate in changed is in-line with the anticipation of traders and investors. […]

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