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УСОИЛ е во надолен тренд бидејќи може повторно да го врати ниското ниво од 76 долари

Key Resistance Levels: $80.00, $84.00, $88.00Key Support Levels: $66.00,$62.200,$58.00 USOIL (WTI) Long-term Trend: BearishUSOIL is on a downward trend as it may revisit the $76 low. As long as the price is below the moving average lines, further price decrease is probable. On the downside, USOIL will decline to its previous low of $82. The […]

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УСОИЛ се соочува со силно одбивање од 93 долари бидејќи се намалува на ниско ниво од 88 долари

Key Resistance Levels: $80.00, $84.00, $88.00Key Support Levels: $66.00,$62.200,$58.00 USOIL (WTI) Long-term Trend: Bullish USOIL is on an upward reversal as it declines to $88 low. The resistance level at $93 is the index’s first price target. Buyers are attempting to reference previous highs. At the $93 and $97 highs in previous ascents, the index […]

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УСОИЛ се корегира нагоре додека се движи кон највисокото ниво од 93 долари

Key Resistance Levels: $80.00, $84.00, $88.00Key Support Levels: $66.00,$62.200,$58.00 USOIL (WTI) Long-term Trend: Bullish USOIL is in an upward correction as it moves toward the $93 high. The index’s first target price is the resistance at $93. The past highs are being tried to be referenced by buyers. The index was stopped in its tracks […]

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УСОИЛ достигна високо ниво од 89.75 долари бидејќи ризикува да се намали до 76 долари

Key Resistance Levels: $80.00, $84.00, $88.00Key Support Levels: $66.00,$62.200,$58.00 USOIL (WTI) Long-term Trend: Bullish USOIL reaches bullish exhaustion as it risks a decline to $76. Buyers are attempting to push the index to the previous highs. In previous upward moves, the index was repelled at the $93 and $97 highs. However, WTI is already trading […]

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УСОИЛ прави нагорна корекција бидејќи држи над 86 долари

Клучни нивоа на отпор: 80.00 $, 84.00 $, 88.00 $ Клучни нивоа на поддршка: 66.00 $, 62.200 $, 58.00 $ Долгорочен тренд на USOIL (WTI): BearishUSOIL продолжи со продажниот притисок бидејќи се одржува над 86 $. Индексот може да го врати претходното ниско ниво на 75 долари ако цената се скрши под линиите на просечниот подвижен просек. Сепак, на надолниот тренд на 8 септември, WTI направи нагорна корекција и телото на свеќа тестираше […]

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УСОИЛ го враќа нагорниот импулс бидејќи цената се пробива над 82 долари

EURCHF Buyers seize control of the marketEURCHF Analysis – October 4EURCHF Buyers have seized control of the market. This is yet another attempt by the buyers to bring the price back up to a respectable key level. This is not the first time trying to pump the market. However, this attempt seems different simply because […]

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УСОИЛ го достигна препродадениот регион бидејќи продавачите го туркаат WTI на ниско ниво од 76 долари

Key Resistance Levels: $80.00, $84.00, $88.00Key Support Levels: $66.00,$62.200,$58.00 USOIL (WTI) Long-term Trend: BearishUSOIL is in a downtrend as sellers push WTI to $76 low. The current price level has pushed WTI to the oversold region of the market. The bearish trend is likely to subside. On September 14, buyers attempted to keep the price […]

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УСОИЛ се враќа додека продавачите се обидуваат да се скршат под поддршката од 81 долари

Key Resistance Levels: $80.00, $84.00, $88.00Key Support Levels: $66.00,$62.200,$58.00 USOIL (WTI) Long-term Trend: BearishUSOIL is in a downtrend as sellers attempt to break below the $81 support. On September 14, buyers attempted to keep the price above the 21-day line SMA but were repelled. The implication is that WTI will continue to fall. It is […]

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УСОИЛ се соочува со уште едно отфрлање од 89 долари бидејќи започнува нов тренд на намалување

Key Resistance Levels: $80.00, $84.00, $88.00Key Support Levels: $66.00,$62.200,$58.00 USOIL (WTI) Long-term Trend: BearishUSOIL has fallen significantly as it embarks on a fresh downtrend. Since June, the WTI price has been making a series of lower highs and lower lows. Today, USOIL is making an upward correction but the uptrend is stuck at the 21-day […]

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