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Јапонија 225 (JP225USD) се консолидира над нивото 28000, може да продолжи со притисок на продажба

Key Resistance Zones: 27200, 27600, 28000Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: BullishJapan 225 has resumed a downward move after a week of fluctuation below level 29000. Since January 14, the bulls have not been able to break the resistance at level 29000. This will result in the downward movement of […]

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Јапонија 225 (JP225USD) е во опаѓачки тренд, ниво на таргети 26956.40

Клучни отпорни зони: 27200, 27600, 28000 Клучни зони за поддршка: 20800, 20400, 20000 Јапонија 225 (JP225USD) Долгорочен тренд: BullishJapan 225 продолжи со надолниот флуид29000, а индексот се намалува 27000 по една недела. се приближува до најниското ниво од 21. Цената го скрши XNUMX-дневниот SMA. Надолното движење ќе […]

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Јапонија 225 (JP225USD) е опсег врзан, отфрлање на лица на ниво 28850

Key Resistance Zones: 27200, 27600, 28000Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: BullishJapan 225 has been in an upward move. The uptrend is facing resistance at level 29000. Since January 14, the price has fluctuated below level 29000 resistance. If price breaks the resistance, the uptrend will continue. The downtrend will […]

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Јапонија 225 (JP225USD) продолжува со движењето нагоре, силниот притисок за купување е веројатно над нивото 28000

Key Resistance Zones: 27200, 27600, 28000Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: BullishJapan 225 has been in an upward move. Presently, it is facing rejection at level 29000. The index has retraced to level 28167.70. The upward move is likely to resume as the price action is indicating an upward move […]

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Јапонија 225 (JP225USD) продолжува со трендот нагоре, паузи на ниво 28000

Key Resistance Zones: 27200, 27600, 28000Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: BullishJapan 225 has been on an upward move. The price is now in the overbought region as the market will soon reverse. The RSI is at level 74. Despite the overbought condition, the bulls have broken level 28000 as […]

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Јапонија 225 (JP225USD) се консолидира под нивото 27600, веројатно движење нагоре

Key Resistance Zones: 27200, 27600, 28000Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: BullishJapan 225 has been on an upward move. The upward move is nearing its destination as the market will soon reverse in the overbought region. The RSI is at level 69. The index may reverse above level 70. Daily […]

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Годишна прогноза за Јапонија 225 (2021): JP225usd се очекува да се издува со меур

Key Resistance Zones: 27200, 27600, 28000Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 In 2020, Japan 225 has been trading in the bull market. However, in the first quarter, the index has a breakdown. In the previous year, the bulls have been making attempts to break the resistance at level 24000. This level caused the index to […]

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Јапонија 225 (JP225USD) е во нагорен тренд, но заглавен под нивото 26900

Key Resistance Zones: 27200, 27600, 28000Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: BullishJapan 225 has been on an upward move. The index is consolidating below the resistance at level 26900. Since December 1, the bulls have failed to break the resistance at level 26900. A possible breakout may occur if the […]

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Јапонија 225 (JP225USD) е во зона на отпор на ниво на борби на ниво 27000

Key Resistance Zones: 23200, 23600, 24000Key Support Zones: 20800, 20400, 20000 Japan 225 (JP225USD) Long-term Trend: BullishJapan 225 has been on an upward move. The index is consolidating below the resistance at level 26900. On November 18, a retraced candle body tested the 78.6% Fibonacci retracement level. The retracement indicates that the index will rise […]

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