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Ethereum евидентира 21.7 милијарди долари вредни заложени монети пред ETH 2.0

The deposit contract for Ethereum 2.0 continues to record steady increases as the total number of Ether staked reaches a significant high. The launchpad currently boasts a total of 6.9 million Ether staked, with a cumulative value of a whopping $21.7 billion (at current prices). The surge in staked ETH stems primarily from the recent […]

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Sygnum Bank дебитира на ETH 2.0 Staking платформата пред надградбата

In November last year, Sygnum Bank AG noted that it had partnered with Taurus Group, a firm in relation with SEBA bank and other prominent Swiss fintech services, to offer customers crypto stalking accounts. At the time, the staking accounts would leverage on the Tezos network, a proof-of-stake platform. However, with the ETH 2.0 upgrade […]

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Ethereum обезбедува над 6 милиони етер во договорот за ETH 2.0 пред ажурирањето на EIP1559

Многу очи се вперени во мрежата Ethereum (ETH) бидејќи договорот за депозит Ethereum 2.0 сега може да се пофали со над 6 милиони етер. Во меѓувреме, ентузијастите на Ethereum се подготвуваат за високоочекуваната надградба на EIP1559 и лондонската хард вилушка. Glassnode, снабдувач на аналитика на синџирот, забележа дека: „Растот на новите и постоечките активности низ DeFi доби удар, бидејќи […]

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Договорите за депозити на Ethereum 2.0 сега содржат 5.6 милиони етер: Etherscan

The long-awaited Ethereum 2.0 network upgrade is said to have over 5.6 million Ether locked in its deposit contract, a record high. According to recent data from Etherscan, the total value of Ether locked in the Ethereum 2.0 staking contract now stands at $13.5 billion. The ETH 2.0 narrative came into existence in early December […]

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