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Cardano Price доживува мечешки пресврт на ниво од 0.37 $

Sellers’ momentum increase ADA Price Analysis – 18 July Cardano may decline toward the $0.26 and $0.24 levels if sellers are successful in holding the price below the $0.29 support level. If the $0.31 resistance level is broken, the $0.33 and $0.34 levels will be put to the test. Key Levels: Resistance levels: $0.31, $0.33, […]

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Cardano Price може да доживее нахакан распад на ниво од 0.23 долари

Buyers’ momentum may increase ADA Price Analysis – 11 July Cardano may rise above the $0.29, $0.31, and $0.33 levels if buyers are successful in holding the $0.26 support level. If the $0.26 support level is broken, the $0.24 and $0.23 levels will be tested next. Key Levels: Resistance levels: $0.29, $0.31, $0.33 Support levels: […]

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Cardano Price доживува нахакан пресврт на ниво од 0.23 долари

Buyers’ momentum is increasing ADA Price Analysis – 04 July Caradno may rise above the $0.29, $0.31, and $0.33 levels if buyers are successful in holding the $0.26 support level. If the $0.26 support level is broken, the $0.24 and $0.23 levels will be tested next. Key Levels: Resistance levels: $0.29, $0.31, $0.33 Support levels: […]

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Цената на Кардано е повлечена на повторно тестирање Ниво од 0.29 долари, наменскиот тренд може да продолжи

Sellers’ momentum may increase ADA Price Analysis – 27 June Cardano may drop below the $0.26, $0.24, and $0.23 levels if sellers are successful in holding the $0.29 resistance level; if the $0.29 resistance level is broken, the $0.31 and $0.33 levels will be tested next. Key Levels: Resistance levels: $0.29, $0.31, $0.33 Support levels: […]

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Цена Кардано: Зголемувањето на моментот на Булс може да го промени трендот на ниво од 0.23 долари

Buyers’ momentum may increase soon ADA Price Analysis – 20 June  Should sellers be successful in holding the $0.26 resistance level, Cardano may decline below the $0.24, $0.23, and $0.22 levels; if the $0.26 resistance level is breached, the $0.29 and $0.31 levels will be tried next Key Levels: Resistance levels: $0.26, $0.29, $0.31 Support […]

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Цена на Кардано: Предвиден награден пресврт на ниво на поддршка од 0.26 долари

Импулсот на купувачите може да се зголеми наскоро. Ако нивото на отпор од 13 долари е прекршено, потоа ќе се пробаат нивоата од 0.29 и 0.26 долари. Клучни нивоа: Нивоа на отпор: 0.24 $, 0.23 $, 0.29 $ Поддршка […]

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SEC штрајкови повторно: Coinbase доаѓа под регулаторна топлина

Во молскавична регулаторна акција, американската Комисија за хартии од вредност (SEC) ја фрли својата регулаторна мрежа врз две од најистакнатите берзи за криптовалути во светот, Coinbase и Binance. SEC не губеше време, поднесувајќи обвиненија против Coinbase за наводно функционирање како нерегистриран брокер додека го назначил Кардано (ADA) и други средства како хартии од вредност. Изненадувачки, […]

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Цена на Кардано: Мечешкото движење може да продолжи под нивото на поддршка од 0.35 долари

Sellers’ momentum may increase further ADA Price Analysis – 06 June Cardano may decrease past the $0.35, $0.34, and $0.33 levels if sellers are able to hold the $0.37 resistance level. The $0.41 and $0.44 levels will be tested next if the $0.37 resistance level is broken up. Key Levels: Resistance levels: $0.37, $0.41, $0.44 […]

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Цена на Кардано: Нахакан пресврт на ниво на поддршка од 0.34 долари

Buyers’ momentum may increase further ADA Price Analysis – 30 May Should buyers be able to hold the $0.38 support level, Caradno may rise over the $0.40, $0.41, and $0.44 levels. If the $0.38 support level is broken lower, the $0.34 and $0.33 levels will be tested next. Key Levels: Resistance levels: $0.40, $0.41, $0.44 […]

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