„Huobi“ apklausa rodo, kad 25% suaugusiųjų amerikiečių planuoja investuoti į kriptovaliutą

Azeezas Mustapha


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Prekybos kopijavimo paslauga. Mūsų Algo automatiškai atidaro ir uždaro sandorius.


L2T Algo teikia labai pelningus signalus su minimalia rizika.


24/7 prekyba kriptovaliutomis. Kol jūs miegate, mes prekiaujame.


10 minučių sąranka su dideliais pranašumais. Instrukcija pateikiama kartu su pirkiniu.


79% sėkmės rodiklis. Mūsų rezultatai jus sužavės.


Iki 70 sandorių per mėnesį. Yra daugiau nei 5 poros.


Mėnesio abonementai prasideda nuo 58 GBP.

Behemoth cryptocurrency Huobi recently released a study titled “Crypto Perception Report 2022,” which, according to the company, provided “an in-depth survey to learn how the average person views cryptocurrencies, their thoughts on emerging trends, and if they plan on investing in the space in the future.”

The survey collected information from a total of 3,144 American adults, from 18 years upward, with 47% of the subjects being men. The survey suggested that: “The crypto industry has seen mainstream growth in 2021, but it’s still a niche topic among most people,” detalizuojama:

“2021 was a good year for crypto. Of the respondents that own crypto, more than half reported that they had just started investing in the space within the last year.”

Based on the results, “47% of respondents say that they don’t own crypto and don’t plan to,” o “about 28% of respondents indicate that they currently do own crypto.” Tyrimas pridėjo:

“25% say that while they don’t own crypto at the moment, they plan to in the future, indicating that they remain curious about the emerging field.”

On answering how they felt about the future of the cryptocurrency industry, 42% of the respondents said they were unsure and do not have enough knowledge to give an informed guess, while 23% noted that they had lost confidence and think “it’s all a scam/bubble and going to collapse.” However, 19% believe the cryptocurrency industry will transform the idea of money, while 16% think it will grow but not exponentially.

When it came to the reason for investing in cryptocurrency, 40% ticked “longer investment potential” as their answer, 27% chose “general interest,” while 18% highlighted “short-term investment potential.”

Huobi Respondents Choose NFT, DeFi, and Metaverse as Most Promising Cryptocurrency Sectors

Meanwhile, most investors believe that the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized finance (DeFi) spaces are the most promising in the crypto industry. Interestingly, 37% of the respondents agreed with this proposition.

The third most promising crypto sector is the metaverse, which 36% of the survey participants agreed to.

On why they invested in cryptocurrency, 40% selected “longer investment potential” as their response, 27% chose “general interest,” and 18% said “short-term investment potential.”


Kripto monetas galite įsigyti čia: nupirkti Dovanėlės

  • Tarpininkas
  • Privalumai
  • Minimalus depozitas
  • Balas
  • Apsilankykite tarpininke
  • Apdovanojimus pelniusi kriptovaliutų prekybos platforma
  • Minimalus 100 USD indėlis,
  • FCA ir „Cysec“ reguliuojami
$100 Minimalus depozitas
  • 20% priėmimo premija iki 10,000 XNUMX USD
  • Minimalus indėlis $ 100
  • Prieš įskaitydami premiją, patikrinkite savo sąskaitą
$100 Minimalus depozitas
  • Daugiau nei 100 skirtingų finansinių produktų
  • Investuokite nuo vos 10 USD
  • Galima pasitraukti iš tos pačios dienos
$250 Minimalus depozitas
  • Mažiausios prekybos išlaidos
  • 50% Sveiki premija
  • Apdovanotas 24 valandų palaikymas
$50 Minimalus depozitas
  • Fondo „Moneta Markets“ sąskaita, turinti mažiausiai 250 USD
  • Norėdami pasinaudoti 50% indėlio premija, pasirinkite formą
$250 Minimalus depozitas

Dalinkitės su kitais prekybininkais!

Azeezas Mustapha

Azeezas Mustapha yra prekybos specialistas, valiutų analitikas, signalų strategas ir lėšų valdytojas, turintis daugiau nei dešimties metų patirtį finansų srityje. Kaip tinklaraštininkas ir finansų autorius, jis padeda investuotojams suprasti sudėtingas finansines koncepcijas, tobulinti savo investavimo įgūdžius ir išmokti valdyti savo pinigus.

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