I-Silver Price: Amehlo e-XAGUSD Angaphezu Kweleveli engu-$25 Phakathi Kwethemba Lokugomela I-COVID-19 kanye Nedola laseMelika Elimaphakathi

U-Azeez Mustapha


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Vele uvule i-akhawunti nomthengisi wethu oyedwa futhi wenze idiphozithi encane: I-250 USD.

imeyili [i-imeyili ivikelwe] ngesithombe-skrini sezimali ku-akhawunti ukuthola ukufinyelela!

Ukuxhaswa ngu

Uxhasiwe Uxhasiwe

Isevisi yokuhweba ngamakhophi. I-Algo yethu ivula futhi ivale ngokuzenzakalelayo ukuhweba.


I-L2T Algo inikeza amasiginali anenzuzo enkulu anengozi encane.


24/7 ukuhweba nge-cryptocurrency. Ngenkathi ulele, siyahweba.


Ukusethwa kwemizuzu eyi-10 okunezinzuzo ezinkulu. Imanuwali inikezwe ngokuthenga.


79% Izinga lempumelelo. Imiphumela yethu izokujabulisa.


Ukuhwebelana okungafika kuma-70 ngenyanga. Kunamapheya angaphezu kwama-5 atholakalayo.


Okubhaliselwe kwanyanga zonke kuqala ku-£58.

Ukuhlaziywa Kwamanani we-XAGUSD - Novemba 16

Silver (XAGUSD) edges higher starting a fresh week, eyes beyond the $25 hurdle amid a broadly mild US dollar, and COVID-19 vaccine optimism. A sharp rally could be in the offing following a breach beyond $25, with a test of the critical $26 barrier inevitable.

Amazinga wokhiye
Amazinga Okumelana: $ 27.62, $ 26.50, $ 25.56
Amazinga okusekela: $24.50, $23.25, $22.83
I-XAGUSD Inkambiso Yesikhathi Eside: Iyalingana
Silver is currently trading 0.87% higher on the day at the $24.79 level and the white metals moving average 5 and 13 have almost produced a bullish crossover, however, the crossovers do not necessarily imply a price surge. XAGUSD needs to topple near term high of $26 to confirm a bullish revival.

On the downside, $23.25 is the level to beat for the bears. That level has acted as strong support multiple times since the end of September. The initial sentiment may stay neutral as long as prices are held within the prior week’s trading range of $23.50 to $26.00 levels.
I-XAGUSD iTrend yesikhathi esifushane: Iyalingana
On the 4-hour time frame, the white metal made attempts to recover from the losses over the week. However, the rebound from $23.50 stays weak for the moment, with the overall set up in consolidation. For the moment, the hidden bearish divergence from the RSI suggests a move back to its midlines at 50.

As a result, this could see the $24.50 level of support being tested a bit more firmly. Following this, Silver prices might remain trading flat above the $24.00 mark for the short term. However, if the $24.50 level is lost, then Silver prices could be looking at a further downside to the $23.50 level in the near term.

Qaphela: I-Learn2.Trade ayisiye umeluleki wezezimali. Yenza ucwaningo lwakho ngaphambi kokutshala izimali zakho kunoma iyiphi impahla yezezimali noma umkhiqizo owethulwe noma umcimbi. Asinacala ngemiphumela yakho yokutshala imali

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U-Azeez Mustapha

U-Azeez Mustapha uchwepheshe wezohwebo, umhlaziyi wezimali, osayinisa amasu, kanye nomphathi wezezimali onolwazi olungaphezulu kweminyaka eyishumi emkhakheni wezezimali. Njengombhali we-blogger kanye nezezimali, usiza abatshalizimali ukuthi baqonde imiqondo eyinkimbinkimbi yezezimali, bathuthukise amakhono abo okutshala imali, futhi bafunde nokuphatha imali yabo.

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