Izinkunzi ze-USDCHF Zibonakale Zimanqikanqika Phakathi Kwesimo Sokuqapha, Zisondela Kuzinga elingu-0.9695

U-Azeez Mustapha


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Vele uvule i-akhawunti nomthengisi wethu oyedwa futhi wenze idiphozithi encane: I-250 USD.

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Ukuxhaswa ngu

Uxhasiwe Uxhasiwe

Isevisi yokuhweba ngamakhophi. I-Algo yethu ivula futhi ivale ngokuzenzakalelayo ukuhweba.


I-L2T Algo inikeza amasiginali anenzuzo enkulu anengozi encane.


24/7 ukuhweba nge-cryptocurrency. Ngenkathi ulele, siyahweba.


Ukusethwa kwemizuzu eyi-10 okunezinzuzo ezinkulu. Imanuwali inikezwe ngokuthenga.


79% Izinga lempumelelo. Imiphumela yethu izokujabulisa.


Ukuhwebelana okungafika kuma-70 ngenyanga. Kunamapheya angaphezu kwama-5 atholakalayo.


Okubhaliselwe kwanyanga zonke kuqala ku-£58.

Ukuhlaziywa Kwentengo ye-USDCHF - Januwari 21

The USDCHF pair fluctuated in a narrow trading range beneath 0.9695 level with the latest optimism about the long-awaited US-China trade deal at the first stage, which supported the recent rally in global financial markets and continued to put pressure on the perceived safe-haven status of the Swiss franc.

Amazinga wokhiye
Amazinga Wokuphikisa: 1.0231, 1.0027, 0.9762
Amazinga Wokusekela: 0.9659, 0.9613, 0.9540

I-USDCHF Trend Yesikhathi Eside: Bearish

The FX pair rebounds from multi-day lows, trading beneath the main daily moving averages of 5. USDCHF plunge from the level of 1.0231, which is the handle within the structure and can aim the level at 0.9600 (low).

Maybe another increase may happen, a leap forward of the level at 1.0231 is important to show the resumption of an uptrend. Else, we can watch progressively further rallies with the danger of another dive.

I-USDCHF Trend yesikhathi esifushane: Bullish

USDCHF is restricted in consolidation from the level at 0.9613, and the intraday predisposition remains flat. Maybe there’s another recovery, the development potential might be limited by the barrier level of 0.9762. Then again, a leap forward of the 0.9613 level may proceed toward the downtrend up to 100% of the projection of the level at 1.0231 to 0.9659 from 1.0027 to 0.9600.

Notwithstanding, given the condition of bullish convergence in the 4-hour time frame with the cooperation of RSI and moving average, a break of 0.9762 level may demonstrate a momentary inversion and turn the bull pattern for a more grounded bounce back to the level of 0.9800.

Insimbi: USDCHF
I-oda: Thenga
Intengo yokungena: 0.9670
Misa: 0.9613
Okuqondiwe: 0.9762

Qaphela: I-Learn2Trade.com ayisiye umeluleki wezezimali. Yenza ucwaningo lwakho ngaphambi kokutshala izimali zakho kunoma iyiphi impahla yezezimali noma umkhiqizo owethulwe noma umcimbi. Asinacala ngemiphumela yakho yokutshala imali

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U-Azeez Mustapha

U-Azeez Mustapha uchwepheshe wezohwebo, umhlaziyi wezimali, osayinisa amasu, kanye nomphathi wezezimali onolwazi olungaphezulu kweminyaka eyishumi emkhakheni wezezimali. Njengombhali we-blogger kanye nezezimali, usiza abatshalizimali ukuthi baqonde imiqondo eyinkimbinkimbi yezezimali, bathuthukise amakhono abo okutshala imali, futhi bafunde nokuphatha imali yabo.

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