Izizathu ezi-3 zokuthi kungani ama-Dips Amancane Angaba Nempilo Ye-Bitcoin's Current Bull Run

U-Azeez Mustapha


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Thola amasiginali we-VIP we-forex, amasiginali we-VIP crypto, amasiginali wokushwibeka, kanye nekhosi ye-forex mahhala impilo yakho yonke.

Vele uvule i-akhawunti nomthengisi wethu oyedwa futhi wenze idiphozithi encane: I-250 USD.

imeyili [i-imeyili ivikelwe] ngesithombe-skrini sezimali ku-akhawunti ukuthola ukufinyelela!

Ukuxhaswa ngu

Uxhasiwe Uxhasiwe

Isevisi yokuhweba ngamakhophi. I-Algo yethu ivula futhi ivale ngokuzenzakalelayo ukuhweba.


I-L2T Algo inikeza amasiginali anenzuzo enkulu anengozi encane.


24/7 ukuhweba nge-cryptocurrency. Ngenkathi ulele, siyahweba.


Ukusethwa kwemizuzu eyi-10 okunezinzuzo ezinkulu. Imanuwali inikezwe ngokuthenga.


79% Izinga lempumelelo. Imiphumela yethu izokujabulisa.


Ukuhwebelana okungafika kuma-70 ngenyanga. Kunamapheya angaphezu kwama-5 atholakalayo.


Okubhaliselwe kwanyanga zonke kuqala ku-£58.

Bitcoin (BTC) has recorded yet another YTD high around $16,500 before dropping to the $16,000 mark on Friday. Although the cryptocurrency has fallen close to 3% in the past 24 hours, investors are still very optimistic about the coming days and weeks.

The recent drop to the $16,000 mark is presumed to be beneficial for Bitcoin for three main reasons, as several on-chain data points, like stablecoin inflows, make a massive rally in the near-term very likely.

Firstly, Bitcoin’s recent drop has now confirmed the $16,000 level as a support level. Likewise, in the parabolic bull-run in 2017, when Bitcoin recorded its all-time high at $20,000, the benchmark cryptocurrency had a tough time establishing $16,000 as a support level due to how fast the rally occurred, and BTC was in uncharted territory.

Secondly, whales have been offloading their holdings over the past few days. Given the bearish pressure in the market at the moment, minor dips could be a healthy sign that BTC is keen on sustaining its bullish momentum.

Finally, the recent pullback would neutralize the derivatives market, including Bitcoin futures and options contracts, even further. Before the dip, the funding rate of the cryptocurrency was at the average rate of 0.01%. Following the drop, the rate could get neutralized even further, which would decongest the market.

I-BTCUSD - Ishadi Lehora

Amaleveli abalulekile we-BTC wokubuka Esikhathini Esiseduze - Novemba 13

Bitcoin continues to trade in line with our prevailing trendline. At press time, the cryptocurrency is trading at $16,270, and we expect to see additional dips from this level. For a start, we are likely to see BTC hit our trendline again, where we suspect a significant surge will occur. That said, a fall below the trendline could stall the bull run for a substantial amount of time.

Okwamanje, amazinga ethu aphikisayo okumelana aku- $ 16,500, $ 17,000, no- $ 17,500. Ngenkathi amazinga wethu wokusekelwa abalulekile eku- $ 16,000, $ 15,700, naku- $ 15,200.

Inani eliphelele lemakethe: $ 466 billion

Inhlokodolobha yemakethe yeBitcoin: $ 301 billion

Ukubusa kweBitcoin: 64.5%

Qaphela: I-Learn2.Trade ayisiye umeluleki wezezimali. Yenza ucwaningo lwakho ngaphambi kokutshala izimali zakho kunoma iyiphi impahla yezezimali noma umkhiqizo owethulwe noma umcimbi. Asinacala ngemiphumela yakho yokutshala imali.

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Yabelana nabanye abathengisi!

U-Azeez Mustapha

U-Azeez Mustapha uchwepheshe wezohwebo, umhlaziyi wezimali, osayinisa amasu, kanye nomphathi wezezimali onolwazi olungaphezulu kweminyaka eyishumi emkhakheni wezezimali. Njengombhali we-blogger kanye nezezimali, usiza abatshalizimali ukuthi baqonde imiqondo eyinkimbinkimbi yezezimali, bathuthukise amakhono abo okutshala imali, futhi bafunde nokuphatha imali yabo.

shiya impendulo

Ikheli lakho le ngeke ishicilelwe. Ezidingekayo ibhalwe *