Isheke lakho le-Stimulus lika-$1,200 lingaba u-$3,000 uma Utshale Ku-Bitcoin

U-Azeez Mustapha


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Thola amasiginali we-VIP we-forex, amasiginali we-VIP crypto, amasiginali wokushwibeka, kanye nekhosi ye-forex mahhala impilo yakho yonke.

Vele uvule i-akhawunti nomthengisi wethu oyedwa futhi wenze idiphozithi encane: I-250 USD.

imeyili [i-imeyili ivikelwe] ngesithombe-skrini sezimali ku-akhawunti ukuthola ukufinyelela!

Ukuxhaswa ngu

Uxhasiwe Uxhasiwe

Isevisi yokuhweba ngamakhophi. I-Algo yethu ivula futhi ivale ngokuzenzakalelayo ukuhweba.


I-L2T Algo inikeza amasiginali anenzuzo enkulu anengozi encane.


24/7 ukuhweba nge-cryptocurrency. Ngenkathi ulele, siyahweba.


Ukusethwa kwemizuzu eyi-10 okunezinzuzo ezinkulu. Imanuwali inikezwe ngokuthenga.


79% Izinga lempumelelo. Imiphumela yethu izokujabulisa.


Ukuhwebelana okungafika kuma-70 ngenyanga. Kunamapheya angaphezu kwama-5 atholakalayo.


Okubhaliselwe kwanyanga zonke kuqala ku-£58.

It has been seven months since the government of the United States disbursed its first round of stimulus checks worth $1,200 to millions of citizens. That amount, if put into Bitcoin, would be worth about $3,000 today, unlike the dollar.

Most of the stable economies opted for stimulus packages for its citizens as a means to combat the financial crisis ushered in by the COVID-19 breakout. These stimulus packages function as tax rebates and incentives against economic slowdown while giving struggling citizens the aid they needed. That said, every US adult earning less than $75,000 a year was entitled to a stimulus check of $1,200. 

Now, while we know that the majority of people used their dollars for food, rent, and other necessities, it is interesting to wonder what would have come of it if those dollars got invested in Bitcoin. Not surprisingly, the largest US-based cryptocurrency exchange reported a spike in deposits worth $1,200 around that period.

At the time, the benchmark cryptocurrency was selling for $6,600-800. That means a Bitcoin purchase worth $1,200 would have given the buyer about 0.18 BTC. Today, with Bitcoin trading at about $16,000, 0.18 BTC would be worth roughly $2,900. This investment would have produced a 142% ROI in under seven months.

Ishadi le-BTCUSD - 4-Hour

Key Bitcoin Levels to Watch in the Near-Term — November 15

Bitcoin has undergone a visible slowdown in volatility over the weekend. Many speculators feel that BTC just might have run out of bullish steam and that we might see the $15,000 area shortly.

That said, the benchmark cryptocurrency has been trading within a tight range between $16,160 and $15,900. A sharp move through either of these levels could hold the determining factor for what BTC could do next.

Okwamanje, amazinga ethu aphikisayo okumelana aku- $ 16,500, $ 17,000, no- $ 17,500. Ngenkathi amazinga wethu wokusekelwa abalulekile eku- $ 15,700, $ 15,200, naku- $ 15,000.

Inani eliphelele lemakethe: $ 453 billion

Inhlokodolobha yemakethe yeBitcoin: $ 293 billion

Ukubusa kweBitcoin: 64.6%

Qaphela: I-Learn2.Trade ayisiye umeluleki wezezimali. Yenza ucwaningo lwakho ngaphambi kokutshala izimali zakho kunoma iyiphi impahla yezezimali noma umkhiqizo owethulwe noma umcimbi. Asinacala ngemiphumela yakho yokutshala imali

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Yabelana nabanye abathengisi!

U-Azeez Mustapha

U-Azeez Mustapha uchwepheshe wezohwebo, umhlaziyi wezimali, osayinisa amasu, kanye nomphathi wezezimali onolwazi olungaphezulu kweminyaka eyishumi emkhakheni wezezimali. Njengombhali we-blogger kanye nezezimali, usiza abatshalizimali ukuthi baqonde imiqondo eyinkimbinkimbi yezezimali, bathuthukise amakhono abo okutshala imali, futhi bafunde nokuphatha imali yabo.

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