
Ukuqaliswa kwe-Bitcoin ETF e-Australia ihlehlisiwe kulandela uThintelo oluvela kwabachaphazelekayo

Ukuqaliswa kwe-Australia yokuqala ye-Bitcoin (BTC) ye-exchange-traded fund (ETF), eyayicwangciselwe u-Epreli 27, ihlehlisiwe, kunye neengxelo eziphosakeleyo kwi-third party party broker. Kwiveki ephelileyo, i-ASX Sula (i-Australian Securities Exchange), umlawuli wemalike ye-equity capital yesizwe, ikhanyise isicelo sokusungula i-ETF yokuqala ye-BTC kweli lizwe. Le mvume iza emva kweemarike ezine […]

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I-Bitcoin iSlumps njengoNxibelelwano kunye ne-Stock Market Taps kwiinyanga ezininzi eziPhezulu

Ngemisebenzi yamva nje kwimarike, kuye kwacaca ukuba i-Bitcoin (BTC) kunye ne-stock market sele iqalile ukuhamba nge-tandem kwakhona. NgoLwesihlanu, i-benchmark cryptocurrency yabona ngaphezulu kwe-6% yexabiso layo lichithiwe kwiiyure ezimbalwa, liwela kwi-39,200 yeedola eziphantsi, njengoko i-stock market ibonise ukunyuka okufanayo. I-S&P […]

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IBitcoin yeMibuzo kaGoogle iyehla ukuya ku-2020 ePhantsi phakathi kweXabiso loMzabalazo

Njengoko i-Bitcoin (BTC) iqhubeka nokuzabalaza, inani lokukhangela kwe-Google kwi-benchmark cryptocurrency liye lehla ukuya kwinqanaba eliphantsi ukususela ekupheleni kuka-2020. Okwangoku, i-Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index iye yahlala kwindawo "yoloyiko", nangona umsebenzi oncomekayo we-Bitcoin phezu kwiintsuku ezimbalwa ezidlulileyo. Ngelixa iiakhawunti zomnenga ziqhubeka nokuthengiselana kakhulu nge-BTC, […]

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I-Bitcoin Iqhawuka Ngaphezulu kwe-41,000 yeedola ngokulandela i-Whale Accumulation

After dropping to the $38,560 low yesterday, following a prolonged consolidation around the $40,000 mark, Bitcoin (BTC) began to acquire a growing bearish sentiment over its near-term price action. However, many saw this dip as a good chance to stack up on BTC for less, and this strategy appears to have paid off over the […]

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I-MicroStrategy iqinisekisa kwakhona ukuzibophelela kwi-Bitcoin Ukuqokelela njenge-BTC Stalls

MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor has asserted that his company does not intend to slow down its Bitcoin (BTC) purchasing spree anytime soon. The Bitcoin proponent made the assertions in a letter addressed to company stockholders on April 14, ahead of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders scheduled for May 22. Saylor assured that the Nasdaq-listed corporation, […]

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Utyalo-mali lweBitcoin: Uphando lucebisa abacebisi bezeMali bakholelwa kwi-BTC

Uphononongo lwakutsha nje olwenziwa nguNasdaq lubonisa ukuba inxalenye ebalulekileyo yabacebisi bezemali iya kwandisa utyalo-mali lwabo lweBitcoin (BTC) kunye nezinye ii-asethi ze-crypto ukuba i-US Securities and Exchange Commission ivume indawo ye-Bitcoin ETF (ingxowa-mali yotshintshiselwano). Ngokwengxelo ethunyelwe nguNasdaq kwiBitcoin Magazine, uphononongo, oluphonononge abacebisi bezemali abangama-500, […]

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Iintshaba zeBitcoin Ukuthintela i-BTC kwi-100x Rally: UPeter Thiel

Delivering his speech at the recently concluded Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami, Florida, PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel shared a list of what he called: “enemies stopping Bitcoin from rising 100x.” Thiel noted that the “enemies list [is] a list of people who I think are stopping Bitcoin.” He explained that “there’s a lot of them, […]

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I-Bitcoin Iyancipha ukuya kwi-$43,000 njengeMinenga emikhulu “Thenga iDip”

Njengoko i-Bitcoin (i-BTC) irekhoda ukulungiswa okukhulu, kubonakala ngathi iidilesi ezinkulu zomnenga ziye zathatha ixesha lokuthenga i-cryptocurrency ye-benchmark ngesaphulelo, njengoko iingxelo zibonisa ukuba iminenga yaqokelela ngaphezu kwe-6,000 zemali izolo kuphela. Esi sityhilelo sivela kubahlalutyi be-CryptoQuant. Ngeli xesha, umhlalutyi odumileyo we-crypto uYu Shiuan Chen kutshanje ubhale kwi-tweet imbono […]

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I-Bitcoin ikhubeka ngaphantsi kwe-46,000 yeedola njenge-MacroStrategy iKhusela i-BTC-Backed Loan

I-Crypto subsidiary ye-MicroStrategy, i-MacroStrategy, ikhusele i-205 yezigidi zeerandi ze-Bitcoin (BTC) mboleko eqinisekisiweyo evela kwiBhanki yaseSilvergate ngenkqubo yayo ye-SEN. IMacrostrategy iveze ukuba iya kusebenzisa imali ebolekiweyo ukuthenga iiBitcoins ezininzi. IBhanki yaseSilvergate, isebe lebhanki leSilvergate Capital Corporation, iveze kwiveki ephelileyo ukuba ivumile enye […]

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