
I-Bitcoin iFumana kwakhona njengoko i-El Salvador iMisela i-BTC Bond Launch

Iingxelo zamva nje zibonisa ukuba u-El Salvador Uyakrokrela ukusungula i-Bitcoin (BTC) bond phakathi kweemeko ezingathandekiyo ezikhoyo kwimarike ebanzi. Isibhengezo sivela kuMphathiswa wezeMali wase-El Salvador uAlejandro Zelaya kwangoko namhlanje. Isizwe esikuMbindi waseMelika besinethemba lokukhulula i-Bitcoin-backed bond kule nyanga ngokubambisana neBitfinex kunye neTether kodwa iye […]

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I-Lucky Block isungula i-Rhafu-Free kunye neNgcaciso-eXhaswayo iToken Version

I-Lucky Block (LBLOCK) yenze okulungileyo kwisithembiso sayo sokusombulula umba oqhubekayo wenkxaso engasebenziyo yokuhlawula irhafu xa ufaka imali evela kutshintshiselwano oluphakathi ukuya kwiindawo eziphakathi. Iqonga lelotho ye-cryptocurrency ibhengeze ukuba ngoku inokutyhila eyona nkcazo yotshintsho, imele umgangatho obalulekileyo wophuculo kuyilo lweqonga. Ukuya […]

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I-Ripple Ibiza kwi-Regulator yaseMzantsi Korea ye-Clearer Crypto Regulation Framework

IRipple Labs ifikelele kwi-arhente yolawulo lwezemali yaseMzantsi Korea ukwenza imimiselo ecacileyo yokwahlula ngokufanelekileyo i-cryptocurrency phakathi kweempawu eziluncedo, iithokheni zentlawulo, kunye neempawu zokhuseleko. Inkampani ye-fintech yabhala iphepha lomgaqo-nkqubo kubaphathi baseKorea ngokubambisana ne-Oxford Metrica kunye ne-GBC Korea. Kuxwebhu, inkampani yaphawula ukuba iAsia […]

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I-Bitcoin iRekhoda iHashrate Spike-Abahlalutyi Babona Ubunzima beMigodi yoKwandiswa

Ukulandela ubunzima bokwehla kwi-1.49% ukuya kwindawo ye-169 EH / s kwiiveki ezimbini ezidlulileyo, i-Bitcoin (BTC) ibone i-hashrate yayo yokutsiba ngaphezu kwe-15% ukususela ngoko, njengoko uthungelwano lwe-hashrate luhamba ngaphezu kwe-200 exahash ngomzuzwana (EH / s). Ngomhla wesi-3 kuMatshi, ubunzima beBitcoin behle nge-1.49% emva kohlengahlengiso ezintandathu ezilandelelanayo zobunzima. Ngexesha lokushicilela, […]

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I-Ethereum DeFi TVL ibetha ubomi obuphantsi phakathi koMsebenzi ophantsi

With the DeFi and NFT spaces recording declining activities, so too have Ethereum (ETH) gas fees plunged significantly. Currently, reports show that transactions on the ETH network cost between 20 to 24 Gwei, depending on the time required for transaction completion. Crypto analytics and aggregation platform Cryptorank reports that the current gas fee on the […]

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I-Bitcoin ikhupha i-3,500 yeedola ukusuka kwi-42,500 yeedola njengoko ukungaqiniseki kweMarike kuSeti

I-Bitcoin (i-BTC) kunye nemarike ye-crypto ngokubanzi iye yahamba nge-roller coaster ride kwiiyure ezidlulileyo ze-24, ekhokelela ekuphelisweni kwe-215 yezigidi zeedola ngexesha elifanayo. I-benchmark cryptocurrency irekhode ukunyuka kwexabiso elibukhali ngaphezulu kwe-42,000 yeedola zamanqaku izolo kulandela ukuvuza kunye nokutyikitywa kwesigqeba esilindelweyo se-asethi yedijithali […]

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I-Ripple vs. I-SEC Lawsuit: I-SEC Yoyika Ilahleko njengoko iiLabhu zeRipple zigcina i-Upperhand

The cryptocurrency community continues to watch in anticipation for the outcome of the ongoing lawsuit between Ripple (XRP) and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). However, the current proceedings suggest that the case could end in a settlement in Ripple’s favor. Fox Business’ Eleanor Terret recently revealed on Twitter that a source familiar with […]

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I-Ethereum Kwi-Bearish Quagmire enokwenzeka: uPeter Brandt

Veteran trader Peter Brandt has warned of an impending bearish signal on Ethereum (ETH) in a chart analysis posted earlier today. His chart highlighted a potential symmetrical triangle, which is a recognized bearish technical pattern. Taking jabs at millennial traders, who he teased about living in their “mommy’s basement,” Brandt challenged them to remind him […]

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