
Abase-AXA baseSwitzerland abaSebenzisayo ngoku banokuHlawula iiNkonzo ngokuSebenzisa iBitcoin

AXA, a globally renowned insurance firm, has announced that its Switzerland clients can now pay for services through Bitcoin (BTC). The company noted that the newly-added payment support is in line with its “digital future” plan and emanated from high demand from customers. In 2019, AXA carried out a cryptocurrency-focused survey, where it quizzed people […]

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Uhlalutyo lwamaxabiso eBitcoin kwiXabiso-Epreli 6

I-Bitcoin (BTC) iye yazabalaza kule veki iphelileyo ukuphula inqanaba lokumelana ne-60,000 yeedola, konke oko akukho nto. Njengoko i-benchmark cryptocurrency iqhubeka nokumisa ngaphantsi kwe-$ 60k uphawu, i-altcoins ithathe intlawulo kwaye iqhube i-industry yexabiso eliphezulu, ngaloo ndlela ibangela ukuba i-Bitcoin ilahlekelwe ukulawulwa kweemarike. I-altcoin frenzy ibone iimali ezinkulu ze-cryptocurrencies […]

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Imizabalazo yeBitcoin yokuqhekeza i-60k yeedola njengeNtengiso yeDominance yayo ukuya kwiNyanga ezisixhenxe

Kwiveki ephelileyo yeza nomfutho omkhulu weBitcoin (BTC) kunye nayo yonke imarike ye-cryptocurrency, efike ngamanqaku ambalwa ekubetheni uphawu loqikelelo lwe-2trillion. Imarike yenkunzi nayo yabona i-Ethereum (ETH) kunye ne-Binance Coin (BNB) yaphula irekhodi entsha, ngelixa i-Bitcoin yayinzima kunye ne-60k yengingqi. Ngexesha lokushicilela, iBitcoin […]

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IGoldman Sachs yazisa ngeNketho eNtsha yoTyalo-mali yeBitcoin kuMthengi oTyebileyo

UGoldman Sachs ubhengeze ukuba izakunikezela ngolawulo lwabathengi kubucala lwabathengi kwiBitcoin (BTC), kwiziphumo zeBitcoin, ezinye iimali ezigcina imali kunye nezithuthi zotyalo mali ngokwesiko. Ibhanki iqaphele ukuba olu khetho lutsha lotyalo-mali luya kufumaneka kubathengi bayo abazizityebi kwiinyanga ezintathu ezizayo. Abathengi baya kufunda malunga netekhnoloji ye-blockchain kunye […]

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I-Argo Blockchain yokuSebenzisa i-Pool ye-Mining-based based Pool Pool njengexabiso leBitcoin elonyukayo

I-Argo Blockchain ibhengeze izicwangciso zayo zokwakha i-pool yamandla yokuqala ye-Bitcoin (BTC). Inkampani eseLondon iveze ukuba ibisebenzisana neDMG Blockchain Solutions ukwenza lo msebenzi wokuphayona. Inkxalabo yemo engqongileyo yemisebenzi yemigodi yeBitcoin ibisoloko iyinkxalabo kubagxeki abaninzi, inikwa imfuneko yombane emikhulu […]

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Into ethile