
I-USD / CHF ibonakala iZinzile kufuphi ne-0.9400 Nangona ukungazinzi malunga noMgaqo-nkqubo we-Federal Reserve System Rate

I-dollar yase-US ngokumelene ne-Swiss franc iqale phezulu kuneentsuku ezintathu ezidlulileyo (ngoLwesihlanu ophezulu) i-0.9350 njengoko abarhwebi baye baqala ukusebenzisa umphumo womgaqo-nkqubo ocuthayo yi-Fed kwindibano yayo yomgaqo-mali obanjwe ngoLwesithathu odlulileyo. Izinto ezikhuthazayo kunye neziphumo zabo Abarhwebi balindele ukubhengezwa komgaqo-nkqubo wemali […]

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I-USD / CHF Falls ngaphantsi kwe-0.9250 emva kokuba i-US Dollar Index iphumelele emva kweZohlwayo ezibekwe eRashiya yi-US

I-dollar yaseMelika xa ithelekiswa ne-Swiss franc pair ihlehlisiwe ukusuka izolo phezulu kwe-0.9288, ngoku irhweba phakathi kwe-0.9243 - 0.9246, kukwacingelwa ukuba iya kuwa phantsi njengoko utshintsho olungaphantsi kwemarike. Kufana nabatyali-zimali ngoku beqonda ubungozi obunokuthi bubekho kuqoqosho lwehlabathi ngenxa yokuqhubeka […]

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Igolide (i-XAU / USD) ikhwela kwi-Ukraine Risk, ngelixa i-CHF ibonakala inamandla kwaye i-Euro iyancipha

Kukho iimvakalelo ezixubileyo njengoko abatyali-mali belindele ukubona ukuba iRashiya iya kuhlasela i-Ukraine namhlanje njengoko kuchazwe ngamajelo. Nangona kunjalo, imarike ephezulu njengoko ibonwa ukuza kuthi ga ngoku kwii-XAU/USD iingcebiso zokuba abatyali-mali baye baba nexhala malunga nomngcipheko wokuba iRussia ihlasele iUkraine. Okwangoku i-CHF(Swiss franc) ibonakala yomelele, ngelixa i-EUR (i-Euro) i […]

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I-USDCHF Market ayiphumelelanga ukutshintsha iNtengiso yexabiso layo ixesha elide

Price Analysis: USDCHF Market Failed to Change Its Price Disposition as It Continues to Range USDCHF market has failed to change its price disposition for a long time. This came as a result of the configuration’s tendency to price range. For a while, the price configuration activity due to ranging is said to have begun. […]

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I-USDCHF iyehla njengoko igcina ukucofa kwipateni engunxantathu

USDCHF Price Analysis – February 1 USDCHF is dropping as it continues tapering through a triangle pattern. The key levels have been influencing the market’s movement within the tapering movement. The 0.92570 pressed the market downward and ensured a triple bounce of the price on the lower border of the triangle before it broke through […]

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I-USDCHF iphinda ibuyele kwaye iphinde ibuyele, ibuyela kwi-Uptrend Movement yayo

USDCHF Price Analysis – December 11 USDCHF rebounds from a strong monthly demand level to recover back to its uptrend movement. The market has been strongly affected by bearish influence since late November last year. There was first a strong dip from 0.93770 that plunged the price to 0.91570. The USDCHF recovers from the demand […]

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Iinkunzi ze-USDCHF zenza ipateni yokuBuyisa iBullish Engulfment Candlestick Reversal Pattern

USDCHF Price Analysis – January 4 USDCHF bulls pose a bullish engulfment candlestick reversal pattern as they prepare to shake off downward pressure. The market has been trying to hold above the 0.91570 price level since it crashed to that level on November 30th, 2021. The struggle was long-drawn and USDCHF eventually succumbed to pressure […]

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I-USD / CHF igcina iNzuzo yeMihla yokuthozama, iNtshukumo ephezulu inokuthi yenzeke kwi-0.9200

I-USD / CHF iwa iipips ezimbalwa ukusuka kwimihla ngemihla kwaye ithengisa ngenzuzo ephakathi kwimini, kwindawo ye-0.9185 ihambela kwixesha laseMntla Melika. Ukubonisa ukuphindaphinda kwakhona phantsi kweentsuku ze-200 ze-SMA, i-USD / CHF itsale izinto ezithengiweyo ngoLwesithathu kwaye yasuka kwi-low yenyanga, kufutshane ne-0.9160 - 0.9155 indawo etyelelwe ngosuku olungaphambili.

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