I-ConsenSys iFumana iNkampani ye-Broker-Dealer ukuze incede i-Tokenize Bonds

UAzeez Mustapha


I-ConsenSys, inkampani eyaziwayo ye-blockchain-based based based by the co-founder of Ethereum Joseph Lubin, uye wafumana ngempumelelo i-US-based broker-dealer company, Heritage Financial Systems. Ilifa lemveli, umthengisi-mthengisi odweliswe kunye ne-US SEC yafunyanwa yi-ConsenSys ye-broker-dealer subsidiary, ConsenSys Digital Securities. Ulwazi lwapapashwa yi-ConsenSys yenkxaso-mali ye-Codefi ngomhla wesi-4 kuFebruwari. Entsha […]

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