
USDCAD ayiqlari bozorni o'z foydasiga aylantirdi

USDCAD tahlili - 8 iyun USDCAD ayiqlari bozorni o'z foydasiga ag'darib tashladi, chunki narx uchburchak dizaynining pastki chegarasidan chiqib ketadi. Bozor dastlab ko'tarilgan to'lqinni bosib o'tdi, chunki u uchburchakning yuqori ramkasini buzish uchun ko'tarilgan kanal orqali to'lqinlanar edi. Biroq, 1.30330 kritik darajaga yetganda [...]

Ko'proq o'qing

USDCAD ayiqlari bozor momentumini o'z foydasiga yo'naltiradi

USDCAD tahlili - 1-iyun USDCAD ayiqlari o'z foydasiga tezlikni oshirish uchun bozorni qayta qurishdi. Xaridorlar bozorni to'liq nazorat qilishlari kerak edi. Ular uchburchak sxemasi ostidagi pasayish oqimini to'xtatib, bozorni yuqoriga yo'naltirishdi. Shundan so'ng, bozor to'xtovsiz ko'tarilish davrini boshdan kechirdi [...]

Ko'proq o'qing

USDCAD sotuvchilari bozorni 1.28980 dan pastga tushirishga qarshi

USDCAD Analysis – May 25 USDCAD sellers have counteracted to hinder the market and subsume it below the 1.28980 critical level. The sellers were first circumvented when they drilled below the lower border of the current triangle system on the 22nd of March. After the breakout, the currency pair pulled back for a double retest […]

Ko'proq o'qing

USDCAD uzilishni tasdiqlash uchun qayta sinovni kutmoqda

USDCAD Analysis – May 11 USDCAD awaits a retest to confirm its breakout from a triangle formation. Despite the market posing favourably for the buyers, it was the sellers who drew the first blood by plummeting the market to the downside of the triangle pattern. A retest was, however, needed to confirm the downward movement. […]

Ko'proq o'qing

USDCAD salbiy harakatni rad etadi; O'zining uchburchak shakliga qaytadi

USDCAD tahlili - 27 aprel USDCAD 1.24700 asosiy darajasidan pastga tushishni rad etadi va yana uchburchak shakliga qaytdi. Bozor uchburchak naqshining pastki chegarasidan tashqariga chiqib ketganda, ayiqlar hokimiyatni egallab olgan deb taxmin qilingan. Keyin narx yuqori chegarada qayta sinovdan o'tish uchun 1.24700 ga ko'tarildi [...]

Ko'proq o'qing

USDCAD ayiqlar bosimi ostida pasayib ketdi

USDCAD Analysis – April 20 USDCAD breaks to the downside of its triangle pattern under intense pressure from the sellers. While the market kept making consistent higher lows along its uptrend line, it maintained an average of the same highs as it was rejected at the triangle’s upper border. This led to an accumulation of […]

Ko'proq o'qing

USDCAD tanaffus va uning trend yo'nalishlarini qayta sinovdan o'tkazish bozorda aniq

USDCAD Market Analysis – April 6 USDCAD break and retest of trendlines in the market confirms the change in market direction. The demand zone at $1.230 was used to start an upward move in the market during the late period of October last year. The market faced resistance at 1.2960. The previous low, formed at […]

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