
Kripto kelajagi: uzoq muddatli staking uchun eng yaxshi isbotlangan tangalar

Kriptovalyutalarning dinamik dunyosida Proof of Stake (PoS) tanlovning konsensus mexanizmi sifatida tezda mashhurlikka erishdi. O'zining kengayishi, past tranzaksiya to'lovlari va energiya samaradorligi bilan PoS, shubhasiz, kriptoning kelajagi. Ammo zanjirli tangalarni yanada jozibador qiladigan narsa investorlarning staking orqali passiv daromad olish qobiliyatidir. […]

Ko'proq o'qing

Polkadot to'siqni 6.20 dollarga yengib, o'sish tendentsiyasini tikladi

Asosiy qarshilik darajalari: $10, $12, $14Asosiy qoʻllab-quvvatlash darajalari: $8, $6, $4 Polkadot (DOT) Narxi Uzoq muddatli tendentsiya: BearishPolkadot (DOT) hozirda $6.20dagi toʻsiq bilan kurashayotganda tiklanmoqda. Ayiq momentum pasayganligi sababli, altkoin avvalgi tubiga yetdi va hozirda yuqoriga ko'tarilmoqda. Altkoin avvalgi eng past darajaga qaytganidan keyin ko'tarildi [...]

Ko'proq o'qing

Polkadot haddan tashqari sotib olingan hududda, chunki u 7.00 dollardan pastroqda kurashmoqda

Key Resistance Levels: $10, $12, $14Key Support Levels: $8, $6,$4 Polkadot (DOT) Price Long-term Trend: BullishPolkadot (DOT) price has risen further as it struggles below the $7.00 high. The value of the crypto asset is increasing and will soon reach the previous highs of $7.00 and $7.60. The altcoin is now trading at $6.91 as […]

Ko'proq o'qing

Polkadot 6.50 dollarga qarshilik bilan kurashayotganda o'zgarib turadi

Key Resistance Levels: $10, $12, $14Key Support Levels: $8, $6,$4 Polkadot (DOT) Price Long-term Trend: BullishThe price of Polkadot (DOT) is rising within the bullish trend zone as it battles the resistance at $6.50. The $6.50 resistance level is the target price that buyers want to maintain. A third test of the $6.50 resistance level […]

Ko'proq o'qing

Polkadot yuksalish tendentsiyasi to'xtab qoldi, chunki u $ 6.50 darajasidan pastroq kurashmoqda

Key Resistance Levels: $10, $12, $14Key Support Levels: $8, $6,$4 Polkadot (DOT) Price Long-term Trend: BullishPolkadot’s (DOT) price has broken through the moving average lines as it struggles below the $6.50 high. Buyers attempted to keep the price above $6.50 but were repelled. The DOT price is now $6.38. If the current resistance is overcome, […]

Ko'proq o'qing

Polkadot 5.75 dollardan ortiq savdoni davom ettirar ekan, charchoq darajasiga yetdi

Asosiy qarshilik darajalari: $10, $12, $14Asosiy qoʻllab-quvvatlash darajalari: $8, $6, $4 Polkadot (DOT) narxi Uzoq muddatli tendentsiya: BearishPolkadot (DOT) narxi pasayib bormoqda va bozor 5.75 dollardan ortiq savdoni davom ettirayotganligi sababli pasayish darajasiga yetdi. . Altkoinning narxi 5.86 dollargacha past darajaga yetdi va undan ham 5.66 dollargacha ko‘tarilishi kutilmoqda. Xuddi o'sha payt, […]

Ko'proq o'qing

Polkadot $6.60 dan pastda oʻzgarib turadi, lekin $8.00 yuqorini maqsad qiladi

Key Resistance Levels: $10, $12, $14Key Support Levels: $8, $6,$4 Polkadot (DOT) Price Long-term Trend: BullishPolkadot (DOT) price is once again on the rise as it targets the $8.00 high. The cryptocurrency’s price has been making a series of higher highs and higher lows for a while now. Although the altcoin has broken above the […]

Ko'proq o'qing
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