
Ripple va SEC: Amici Curiae diqqat markazida bo'ladi, chunki SEC nozik ma'lumotlarni yashirish uchun kurashadi

Ripple (XRP) traded at the mercy of the broader market sentiment over the past few days amid the unavailability of updates from the ongoing US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) vs. Ripple case. Since last Thursday, the Ripple community has availed a court order ruling on recent claims by the SEC that all controversial Hinman […]

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Ripple va SEC: Ripple SECni RFA savoliga to'liq bo'lmagan javoblar berishda aybladi

Ripple Labs (XRP) continues to bring the heat in its ongoing lawsuit against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) after filling a letter supporting its claims that the SEC intentionally provided inaccurate responses to its Fourth Set of Requests for Admissions (RFA). The latest development was shared by Ripple community attorney James Filan via […]

Ko'proq o'qing

Ripple 1 milliard XRPni Escrow hamyoniga chiqaradi, chunki XRP yon tomondagi naqshda qoladi

Ripple (XRP) 2020 yil dekabr oyidan beri SEC da'vosidan keyin katta bosim ostida savdo qildi. Shunga qaramay, XRP imkoniyatlardan ustun kelib, kriptovalyutalar reytingining birinchi o‘nligida qolishga muvaffaq bo‘ldi. XRP ortidagi blokcheyn kompaniyasi o'zining dasturlashtirilgan jadvalini chiqarishda 1 milliard tokenni chiqardi. Kompaniya tokenlarni ikki transhda chiqardi [...]

Ko'proq o'qing

Ripple va SEC: Komissiya Deatonning Amici so'roviga e'tiroz bildirish muddatini uzaytirishni taklif qilmoqda

A verdict on the ongoing Ripple vs. SEC might be delayed even further after the Securities and Exchange Commission requested an extension to file an objection to an ‘Amici’ request filed by Ripply community attorney John Deaton. Deaton currently seeks to represent 67,300 XRP holders in the unraveling legal battle between Ripple Labs and the […]

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Ripple bozor miqyosidagi buzilish sharoitida 0.4000 dollargacha tushib ketdi

Ripple (XRP) o'tgan haftada katta pasayish zarbalarini boshdan kechirdi, chunki sotish to'lqinlari kripto bozorini vayron qilmoqda. Kriptovalyuta bozorining umumiy bahosi 23 trillion dollarga yetgan 4-maydan beri 1.8 foizdan oshdi. Bozordagi tajovuzkor pasayish hissi AQSh Federal zaxira tizimi yanada shafqatsiz pul siyosatini e'lon qilganidan keyin paydo bo'ldi [...]

Ko'proq o'qing

Ripple bosh direktori SECga qarshi da'vo yil oxiridan oldin tugashini da'vo qilmoqda

The CEO of Ripple, Brad Garlinghouse, recently asserted that the ongoing lawsuit with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has neared its end, as he expects a resolution before the end of 2022. In an interview with Fox Business, Garlinghouse asserted that the legal battle with the regulatory watchdog has gone “quite well” […]

Ko'proq o'qing

Ripple va SEC da'vosi: Ripple tarafdori bo'lgan advokat Deaton davlatlari qo'llab-quvvatlash sababi

The ongoing Ripple (XRP) vs. the US Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)lawsuit has been one of the most controversial cases in cryptocurrency history. Ripple supporters have stood unshaken behind the payments company throughout the case since December 2020, with many believing that the lawsuit will end as abruptly as it began and in favor of […]

Ko'proq o'qing

Ripple SECga qarshi yana bir g'alaba qozondi, chunki sudya Hinman nutqini himoya qilishni rad etdi

Ripple Labs has scored another victory, one of its most significant wins so far, against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in its ongoing lawsuit. The presiding judge on the case denied the Commission’s decision to protect important material relating to the lawsuit. Ripple community lawyers have called the latest development “a very big […]

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Ripple Bull Market qaytishi bilan SECga qarshi yana bir kichik g'alabani ta'minladi

Defense attorney James K. Filan, familiar with the Ripple vs. US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lawsuit, recently tweeted that the defendant has bagged another small victory against the SEC after receiving a time extension on the motion filed with the court last week. Filan tweeted on Monday that the San Francisco-based payments company has […]

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