
JPMorgan strateglari, agar yaqin orada 40 ming dollar qaytarib berilmasa, Bitcoin buqa bug'ini yo'qotishi mumkinligi haqida ogohlantiradi

According to a recent report by Bloomberg, JPMorgan Chase & Co strategists, led by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, have cited that Bitcoin (BTC) has to reclaim the $40k level soon or risks losing its bullish momentum and trend-following investors. The team added that the pattern of demand for BTC futures and the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) could […]

Ko'proq o'qing

Greycale hisobotlari Bitcoin Investors tufayli 4 yilning to'rtinchi choragida rekord o'rnatdi

Grayscale recorded its best year in 2020 yet with massive allocations, mostly from institutional investors, despite the dramatic events that plagued that year. The cryptocurrency investment fund posted record-breaking numbers in the first three quarters of 2020 and profoundly better reports in Q4. The firm reported that the total investments in the last three months […]

Ko'proq o'qing

Buqalar katta likvidatsiyalarni ko'rganligi sababli Bitcoin 3 ming dollarga tushadi

The cryptocurrency industry is taking no breaks in its erratic moves. The past few weeks are testimony to this fact. Over the past few hours, Bitcoin (BTC)—and many altcoins—have recorded yet another erratic session, leading to significant liquidation across the board. Reports show that about $400 million worth of both long and short positions have […]

Ko'proq o'qing

Bitcoin bayroqning ichkarisiga qaytib, asosiy darajaga ko'tariladi

Bitcoin dushanba kuni 32 32,000 dollar darajasidan ko'tarilganidan beri XNUMX% dan ko'proq o'sdi, chunki barcha savdolar juda tuzilgan harakatda. Biz yo'lda katta yashirin buqa divergentsiyasini bosib chiqaradigan buqa bayrog'i ichidagi oldingi buzilgan darajaga qaytdik. Agar bu bayroq paydo bo'lsa, biz BTC ning [...]

Ko'proq o'qing

Bitcoin kamligi: eToro foydalanuvchilarni kripto-valyuta savdosida yuzaga keladigan uzilishlar haqida ogohlantiradi

eToro, on the largest trading platform, recently notified its users that there could be disruptions in their cryptocurrency trading services due to extreme demand. The exchange went on to explain that it was experiencing “unprecedented conditions on crypto markets,” as Bitcoin (BTC) prices and the cryptocurrency market cap are close to their highest levels in […]

Ko'proq o'qing

JPMorgan BTC ETF ma'qullashi Bitcoin narxiga salbiy ta'sir ko'rsatishi mumkinligi haqida ogohlantiradi

Strategists at JPMorgan Chase & Co have alerted that the approval of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) in the US could have dire consequences on Bitcoin’s (BTC) short-term price action. The proposed reason for the price drop is that an approved ETF could become a major competition for institutional investment for the world’s largest traded […]

Ko'proq o'qing
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