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ЕУР/УСД се смањио јер евро трпи негативну реакцију украјинске кризе

ЕУР/УСД пар је задржао опадајући тренд последњих неколико дана, иако овај тренд прати нелинеарни образац. Пар се трговао око 1.1000 на седници у Лондону у уторак док су инвеститори остали по страни уочи говора председника Европског централног одбора (ЕЦБ) Кристијана Лагарда и најаве […]


Амерички долар губи биковски замах након промене става ЕЦБ

The US dollar continued to show weakness in the European session on Thursday, as the euro extended its gains against the safe-haven currency amid a hawkish change in outlook by the European Central Bank (ECB) last week and the release of the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) later today. The CPI data release is expected […]


Евро је пао како се закључавање враћа и расположење за ризик постаје негативно

The Euro’s upside run was short-lived, as Euro selling resumed following ECB President Mario Draghi’s dovish comments. In addition, Austria has gone back into full lockdown, with Germany perhaps following suit in the fourth wave of COVID-19 infections. The yen is rising sharply today as risk sentiment deteriorates. For the week, the Euro has been […]


Долар расте док стерлинг надмашује слабост евра

The dollar index has risen to 96.24, just shy of the 96.35 peaks set in July 2020, but has since retreated slightly below the 96.00 level. Rising rates and optimistic sentiment have kept the greenback on the rise, while gold, surprisingly, has maintained its haven appeal, trading around $1,862/oz and acting as an inflation hedge. […]


Евро слеже раменима са бољим немачким расположењем, јен одржава снагу

The Euro shrugs aside better-than-expected economic mood data from Germany. After today’s surge, the yen is holding steady, and the dollar is following suit. On Tuesday, Klaas Knot, an ECB policymaker, warned that the prerequisites for a rate hike in 2022 are very unlikely to be met. Germany’s ZEW economic sentiment index rose from 22.3 […]


CHF raste u odnosu na GBP i evro, dok dolar ostaje nestalan

Данас, ЦХФ приметно расте, иако је фокус продаје окренут са евра на ГБП. Без обзира на то, ЦХФ је бољи од НЗД-а, који је далеко најмоћнији. Јен је, с друге стране, слабији као резултат проширеног расположења Јапана о ризику од Европе. Друга најслабија валута је […]


Evro naglo pada kako se raspoloženje i prognoze Nemačke pogoršavaju

After noticeably poorer than predicted German sentiment, the euro has fallen sharply today. Germany’s growth would be much weaker in the fourth quarter, according to the Bundesbank. The second-weakest country is Switzerland. Following a surge in key global treasury yields, the yen is likewise weak. The Australian dollar, on the other hand, is the strongest […]


Евро се суочава са суморним економским изгледима; Повлачење јена остаје кључни фокус

The Euro is weakening following dismal German sentiment data, while the Pound is being supported by job statistics. As traders anticipate the next moves in US rates and stocks, the dollar is weak. The Yen selloff sentiment in the markets has remained mostly unchanged. However, the majority of buying has turned to commodity currencies, driven […]


Евро је и даље под притиском усред све веће нестабилности тржишта

The Euro selloff is still the primary topic in today’s lethargic markets. The Dollar and the Yen are also being weighed down by a return of market volatility. Commodity currencies, on the other hand, are generally robust, with the Australian dollar outperforming the Kiwi and the Loonie. For the time being, sterling is mixed, aided […]

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