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Цена БНБ (БНБУСД) би се могла опоравити на нивоу отпора од 316.2 долара

Продавци могу доминирати БНБ тржиштем Анализа цена БНБУСД: 02. фебруар Уколико купци који држе ниво подршке од 297.0 долара прекрше ниво отпора од 316.2 долара, нивои отпора од 335.1 и 356.1 долара могу бити у опасности. Ако се БНБ затвори испод кључне баријере од 297.0 долара и задржи 316.2 долара, тестираће недавне минимуме од 263.3 и 237.1 долара […]


БНБ (БНБУСД) Цена може да падне на ниво од 332.8 долара

Buyers may continue to dominate BNB market BNBUSD Price Analysis: 05 January Buyers holding the $314.6 support level have the potential to break the $332.8 resistance level, putting the $348.6 and $361.3 resistance levels in jeopardy. The recent lows of $300.7 and $286.7 will be tested if $332.8 holds and BNB closes below the critical […]


БНБ (БНБУСД) Цена: Продавци се противе купцима на нивоу од 267.5 УСД

 BNB price may bounce from $219.2 BNBUSD Price Analysis: 24 November Buyers holding the $219.2 support level might break the $237.0 resistance level, putting the $254.2 and $267.5 resistance levels in jeopardy. If purchasers disagree with sellers at $237.0.  BNB may have closed below the critical $219.2 barrier, reaching its most recent lows of $204.9 […]


БНБ (БНБУСД) цена поново тестира ниво од 237.0 долара

Bullish momentum increases BNBUSD Price Analysis: 27 October When buyers hold the $219.2 support level, the $237.0 resistance level might be broken higher, posing a threat to the $254.2 and $276.5 resistance levels. If sellers opposed buyers at $237.0.  BNB may close below the critical $219.2 mark, having previously fallen to its most recent lows […]


БНБ (БНБУСД) Цена: очекивања купаца на нивоу отпора од 219.2 долара

 Resistance level of $219.2 may not hold BNBUSD Price Analysis: 20 October When buyers hold the $204.9 support level, the $219.2 resistance level might be broken higher, posing a threat to the $237.0 and $254.2 resistance levels. If sales keep growing at the current rate, BNB may close below the critical $167.9 mark, having previously […]


БНБ (БНБУСД) Цена може да доживи биковски преокрет

 Притисак продаваца се смањује на БНБ тржишту. Анализа цена БНБУСД 29. септембар Ниво отпора од 219.2 долара може се пробити више, што представља изазов за нивое отпора од 237.0 и 254.2 долара, ако купци могу да задрже ниво подршке од 204.9 долара. Ако продаја настави да расте по садашњој стопи, БНБ би могла пасти на своје најновије најниже […]


БНБ (БНБУСД) Цена: биковско кретање може почети

Bulls’ momentum increase in BNB market BNBUSD Price Analysis 15 September The $219.2 resistance level can be broken higher, providing a challenge to the $237.0 and $254.2 resistance levels, if buyers can hold the $204.9 support level. If sales continue at the current rate, BNB might fall to its most recent lows of $204.9 and […]


БНБ (БНБУСД) Цена: Медвеђе кретање може да се настави

Sellers are regaining momentum in BNB market BNBUSD Price Analysis 08 September BNB might plummet to its most recent lows of $204.9 and $187.3 before closing below the critical $167.9 level if sales keep up at the current pace. If buyers can hold the $204.9 support level, the $219.2 resistance level can be broken higher, […]


БНБ (БНБУСД) Цена: Распон кретања се може наставити

 BNBUSD market ranges between $254.2 and $236.9 levels BNBUSD Price Analysis 11 August The $254.2 resistance level can be broken higher, challenging the $276.5 and $286.4 resistance levels, if buyers can hold the $236.9 support level. BNB may drop to its most recent lows of $219.1 and $209.0 levels before closing below the crucial $236.9 […]

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