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Насдак 100 циља на зону отпора 13638.0

Market Analysis – April 30 Nasdaq 100 has repeated a correction and impulse circle on the 24-hour chart. The market has just experienced a bullish displacement after a correction that was initiated in April. US 100 Significant Levels Support Levels: 12795.0, 12071.0, 11311.0Resistance Levels: 13638.0, 13800.0, 140000.0 NAS 100 Long-Term Trend: Bullish US 100 buyers […]


АВАКС би могао доживети дугорочни рели јер наставља да добија глобално признање

AVAX keeps scaling through the ordeals facing other cryptocurrencies as it gains global recognition. This recognition strengthens Avalanche more in the Web3 and gaming sectors. Recently, a financial app is popularly known worldwide as Revolut has collaborated with Avalanche in launching its fifth cryptocurrency educational course “Learn & Earn”. The “Learn & Earn” lesson is […]


Авак токени од 168 милиона долара биће пуштени у продају 28. маја

Avalanche has been removed from K33’s list of the best tokens to buy. This was due to the assurance of an impending unlocking procedure and other factors. Avax token unlocking is anticipated to occur in the following 30 days. The AVAX tokens that are anticipated to be launched into circulation are worth about $168 million. […]


АВАКС-ови инвеститори остају оптимистични док мрежа доживљава импресиван раст

AVAX’s outlook based on sentimental analysis remains positive despite the ongoing bearish trend. This is because of the increasing activities on the network due to its usefulness. Since the beginning of this month, the network has experienced impressive growth in the number of daily active addresses. From a total of 45000 daily active addresses, the […]


Метамаск лансира нови Фиат-То-Црипто како би поједноставио куповину АВАКС-а у покрету

A new fiat-to-crypto ramp for MetaMask’s Portfolio dApp has just been launched, according to the company. To transfer and receive cryptocurrency, one can utilize MetaMask, which functions as a decentralized wallet. For the purpose of allowing ACH transactions, a “Buy Crypto” option was included in the development. Avalanche Contract Chain is one of the few […]


АВАКС види брзу експанзију како Аваланцхе Лабс привлачи програмере игара

Перформансе АВАКС-а су заиста импресивне још од почетка године. Овај изузетан учинак може се приписати расту екосистема Аваланцхе као резултат растуће мрежне активности. Ед Чанг, шеф игара у Ава Лабс, тврди да је Аваланцхе увек платформа избора за креаторе игара због […]


Лавина се даље руши док се мрежа суочава са другим прекидом рада

Investors have been very concerned as a result of the sudden network disruption experienced by Avalanche. Given that this is the second outage in five days, there has been a great deal of confusion as UpBit temporarily halted all AVAX transactions. UpBit is a major crypto exchange in South Korea. Just a few days ago, […]


Аваланцхе (Авак) скочи за 12% због сталног усвајања на крипто тржишту

AVAX has proven to be quite resilient to the selling pressures, despite the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that investors in the cryptocurrency community are experiencing as a result of the failure of the three major U.S. banks. AVAX has impressively been increasing steadily since the start of the year. It’s worth noting that even while […]


Аваланцхе скаче док крипто тржиште враћа 26 милијарди долара преко ноћи

AVAX continues to expand upward as investor confidence continues to rise. AVAX is undoubtedly prominent among the watchlists of many cryptocurrency traders due to its ranking among the top 20 largest coins on Coin MarketCap. The continuous appreciation of AVAX can be attributed to the latest news regarding the launch of Core’s mobile version. An […]

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