Пословни клуб се припрема за покретање новог екосистема криптовалута

Мицхаел Фасогбон


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Добијте ВИП форек сигнале, ВИП крипто сигнале, свинг сигнале и форек курс бесплатно доживотно.

Само отворите рачун код једног нашег придруженог брокера и направите минимални депозит: КСНУМКС УСД.

Е-pošta [емаил заштићен] са снимком екрана средстава на рачуну да бисте добили приступ!


Спонсоред Спонсоред

Сервис за трговину копирањем. Наш Алго аутоматски отвара и затвара трговине.


Л2Т Алго пружа високо профитабилне сигнале са минималним ризиком.


24/7 трговање криптовалутама. Док ти спаваш, ми тргујемо.


Подешавање од 10 минута са значајним предностима. Упутство се добија уз куповину.


79% Стопа успешности. Наши резултати ће вас одушевити.


До 70 трговина месечно. На располагању је више од 5 парова.


Месечне претплате почињу од 58 фунти.

Valetta, Malta, 07/01/2020. Пословни клуб, a new fintech company based in Malta announced the official launch of its products. The suite of blockchain-related products are targeted at businesses and are aimed at bringing more efficiency and helping businesses achieve more.

In the past two years, the team behind Business Club has been building a unique business ecosystem that will change how companies and organizations operate. The ecosystem has several unique components that take advantage of the blockchain technology. The Business Club Token (BCT) is a cryptocurrency that enable companies in the ecosystem. These purchases could be bandwidth, file storage, and adverts.

The Business Club Active Wallets is a secure platform that enables members to store their money in a safe way. The BTC tokens are stored in the active wallets. Another unique feature is that the value of the tokens stored in the active wallet will increase in value as demand increases. Holders of the BCT tokens will hold them for life or until they decide to sell them. This is done through the secure Business Club Token Exchange.

The Business Club ecosystem has been in the development phase since May 2018. This process has involved building the BCT Tokens and testing the ecosystem. It also involved building the user interface of the company. This saw the company build and test the website and the intuitive mobile applications. The apps can be downloaded by anyone with an Android or iOS device.

Business Club is the brainchild of Tim Odermann and Alexander Wozniak, who have decades of experience in the technology and finance sectors. Tim runs a number of forex exchanges in Switzerland. He has worked on large IT projects in the public and technology sectors. Wozniak, the company’s CTO, is a technology veteran who has worked in R&D for various companies. He has more than 20 years in the technology industry.

According to Tim, “We developed Business Club after spending decades in the corporate sector. We believe that the status quo is inefficient for all types of companies. We have developed and tested the ecosystem and we believe that businesses will find it incredibly useful.”

Wozniak reiterated this statement saying, “understanding what companies want is our top-most priority. We are thrilled for what we have achieved so far and remain enthusiastic about what our team is building. We have a team of dedicated developers who have created an intuitive, immersive, and high quality technology that will empower businesses to do more.”

About Business Club
Business Club is a new company that has been incorporated in the Republic of Malta. The company has developed a unique blockchain ecosystem that will empower businesses achieve more by reducing the bottlenecks that exist and improve efficiency.

  • Брокер
  • Предности
  • Мин депозит
  • Скор
  • Посетите Брокер
  • Награђивана платформа за трговање криптовалутама
  • Минимални депозит 100 УСД,
  • ФЦА и Цисец регулисани
$100 Мин депозит
  • Бонус добродошлице од 20% до 10,000 УСД
  • Минимални депозит $ КСНУМКС
  • Верификујте свој рачун пре него што се бонус додели
$100 Мин депозит
  • Преко 100 различитих финансијских производа
  • Уложите већ од 10 долара
  • Могуће је повлачење истог дана
$250 Мин депозит
  • Најнижи трошкови трговања
  • 50% бонус за добродошлицу
  • Награђивана подршка од 24 сата
$50 Мин депозит
  • Рачун Фонда Монета Маркетс са минимално 250 УСД
  • Одлучите се да користите образац да бисте затражили бонус од 50% на депозит
$250 Мин депозит

Поделите са другим трговцима!

Мицхаел Фасогбон

Мицхаел Фасогбон је професионални Форек трговац и технички аналитичар криптовалута са преко пет година искуства у трговању. Годинама уназад, преко своје сестре постао је страствен према блоцкцхаин технологији и крипто валути и од тада прати тржишни талас.

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