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$4.3 Billion Ganaax Binance: Aragti

$4.3 Billion Ganaax Binance: Aragti

SEC Waxay Bilawday Baadhitaan Ku Saabsan Binance Oo Ku Saabsan Ku Xad Gudbinta Sharciyada Securities ee 2017

Binance has come under regulatory scrutiny again, this time with the SEC. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently launched an investigation on the behemoth cryptocurrency exchange to ascertain whether it violated securities laws with its BNB token initial coin offering (ICO) five years ago. The latest regulatory report was published by Bloomberg […]

Akhri wax dheeraad ah

Binance Coin (BNBUSD) Qiimaha: Haddii ay dhacdo in qiimuhu ka xidhmo in ka badan $313, Heerka iska caabinta ee $297 waa la tijaabin karaa

Falanqaynta Qiimaha BNBUSD - Juun 27 Haddii ay dhacdo in xayawaanku jabiyo heerka taageerada ee $ 256, qiimaha ayaa laga yaabaa inuu hoos u dhaco heerka $ 209, sii wad dhaqdhaqaaqiisa hoos u dhaca heerka taageerada ee $ 150. Dhanka kale, cadaadis badan oo ka imanaya iibsadayaasha ayaa laga yaabaa inay riixaan Binance Coin si ay u jebiyaan heerka iska caabinta ee […]

Akhri wax dheeraad ah

Qiimaha Binance (BNBUSD): Bears wuxuu ka soo horjeedaa dibi heerkiisu yahay $ 457, Hoos -u -dhac Qiime Dheeraad ah

BNBUSD Price Analysis – April 15 The price may decline further towards the previous low of $330. In case, the daily candle closed below the $395 level, then, the price may decline to $330 and $256 support levels. Should the bulls break up the resistance level of $457, price may reach $516 and $581 resistance […]

Akhri wax dheeraad ah

Binance waxay ku garaacday dacwad ku saabsan sheegashada iibka token aan diiwaangashanayn, sida BNB

Behemoth cryptocurrency exchange Binance has been cleared of all charges, after getting sued in 2020 for allegedly selling unregistered cryptocurrencies. US District Judge Andrew Carter dismissed the lawsuit against the exchange last Thursday after Binance and its CEO, Changpeng Zhao (CZ), filed a motion for dismissal. The lawsuit, with case no.20-02803, was filed in April […]

Akhri wax dheeraad ah

Binance (BNBUSD) Qiimaha: Dibida ayaa ka Sarreysa Bears, Qiimaha Bartilmaameedka $448 Heerka iska caabinta

BNBUSD Price Analysis – March 25 The price will increase to the $448 level and when the daily candle closes above it, the price may increase to $516, penetrate it, and may expose the price to the $581 resistance level. If there is an opposition by the bears at the resistance level of $448, the […]

Akhri wax dheeraad ah
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