Yemahara Crypto Signals Joinha Yedu Teregiramu

Yakadzama Kunzwisisa kweBitcoin Mari

Ali Qamar


Usaisa mari kunze kwekunge wakagadzirira kurasikirwa nemari yese yaunodyara. Iyi imari ine njodzi huru uye haufanirwe kuchengetedzwa kana chimwe chinhu chikatadza. Tora maminetsi maviri kuti udzidze zvakawanda


Basa rekutengesa kopi. Yedu Algo inovhura otomatiki uye inovhara kutengeserana.


Iyo L2T Algo inopa masaini ane mari yakawanda ane njodzi shoma.


24/7 cryptocurrency kutengesa. Paunenge wakarara, isu tinotengesa.


10 maminetsi setup ine mabhenefiti akakura. Bhuku racho rinopiwa nekutenga.


79% Kubudirira mwero. Zvibereko zvedu zvinokufadza.


Kusvikira ku70 kutengesa pamwedzi. Kune anopfuura 5 mapeya aripo.


Kunyoreswa kwepamwedzi kunotanga pa £58.

Chii chinonzi Bitcoin Mari?

Yedu Crypto Signals
L2T chimwe chinhu
  • Kusvikira ku70 Signals pamwedzi
  • Copy Trading
  • Kupfuura 70% Kubudirira Rate
  • 24/7 Cryptocurrency Kutengeserana
  • 10 Minute Setup
Crypto Zviratidzo - 1 Mwedzi
  • Kusvika kuMasaini matatu Anotumirwa Zuva Nezuva
  • 76% Yekubudirira Rate
  • Kupinda, Tora Pundutso & Mira Kurasikirwa
  • Mari kune Njodzi Pakutengesa
  • Njodzi Mubairo Ratio
  • VIP Telegraph Boka
Crypto Zviratidzo - 3 Mwedzi
  • Kusvika kuMasaini matatu Anotumirwa Zuva Nezuva
  • 76% Yekubudirira Rate
  • Kupinda, Tora Pundutso & Mira Kurasikirwa
  • Mari kune Njodzi Pakutengesa
  • Njodzi Mubairo Ratio
  • VIP Telegraph Boka

Cryptocurrency iri pano uye hapana kwainoenda. Muchokwadi, cryptocurrency ndicho chinotevera chikuru chinhu. Asi wakanaka sei iwe kuziva cryptocurrency, kunyanya, bitcoin mari?


8cap - Tenga uye Isa mari muZvinhu

Our Rating

  • Yakaderera dhipoziti ye250 USD chete kuti uwane kuwana kwehupenyu hwese kune ese VIP chiteshi
  • Tenga zvinopfuura mazana maviri nemazana mana emasheya pa2,400% Commission
  • Tengesa zviuru zveCFDs
  • Deposit mari ine debit / kiredhiti kadhi, Paypal, kana kubhangi kuchinjisa
  • Yakakwana kune vatengesi veNewbie uye inodzorwa zvakanyanya
Usaise mari mu crypto assets kunze kwekunge wakagadzirira kurasikirwa nemari yese yaunodyara.


When bitcoin came into existence, only a notable number of folks knew what bitcoin really was, leaving alone its functions as a currency.

Saka, chii chinonzi bitcoin mari?

One thing for sure is that it’s pretty challenging to understand bitcoin at first hearing it. The reason being, it’s neither an investment vehicle nor a standard fiat currency. However, that hasn’t stopped the giant crypto from taking the world by storm, attracting investment worth billions of dollars.

Sezvineiwo, yavo blockchain tekinoroji iri zvishoma nezvishoma asi zvishoma nezvishoma ichichinja akasiyana masisitimu enharaunda yazvino.

Nekuda kweizvozvo, iwo mubvunzo muhombe pakati pevanhu vazhinji ndosaka bitcoin ichinyanya kufarirwa. Pamwe, iwe uri mumwe wavo anotarisa kuti anzwisise iyi yese mamiriro e bitcoin, uye kuti uwane yakazara izere, ingoverenga kusvika kumagumo.

Chii chinonzi Bitcoin?

Let’s get straight to understanding what bitcoin is. First, it’s the leading crypto that came into existence. It’s a virtual or digital currency mined, traded, stored, and transferred electronically.

Mostly abbreviated as BTC, the digital asset is easily transferred between businesses or individuals across the globe, and there’s no regulation from the central authority or any central bank.

Nhoroondo yeBitcoin

Bitcoin was invented almost a decade ago (2009) by Satoshi Nakamoto, whose identity has never been revealed. Nakamoto came up with a powerful P2P money transfer system that is based on decentralized blockchain-ledger technology.

Asi chii chinonzi blockchain ledger?

A blockchain ledger is simply a digital and decentralized ledger that is distributed between various computers, and the record of each given transaction can’t be altered without a change on the subsequent blocks.

Parizvino, iyo yekubhadharisa system naSatoshi rave iro rinotungamira kufarira kumhuri uye mamwe mapato kuendesa mari.

Chikonzero chikuru chekugadzirwa kwe bitcoin kwaiwanzo gadzira uye nekupa nzira yekuchinjisa mari pamagetsi pasina masimba kubva kune mukuru wepakati.

Furthermore, the objective was to have a quick as well as cheap P2P funds transfer without double-spending. In avoiding the usage of bitcoin twice (double-spending), it uses a mechanism that effectively records transactions and gives them a time-stamp.

Thus far, it may sound that you’ve got an idea of what real bitcoin is and how it operates. However, there’s much more in store behind this giant crypto. So, let’s get more in-depth with some of its details.

Bitcoin Mechanics

Earlier, we did mention about bitcoin blockchain ledger. But how much is involved with this bitcoin blockchain ledger? Here’s how it’s simplified:

Kutanga, chero ledger rinongova bhuku reakaundi, danda, kana kunyoresa, uye zvese bitcoin zvinyorwa zvinowaniswa nenzvimbo dzakasiyana pasi rese panguva imwe chete. Iwo madhairekitori anochengetwa-e-kufambidzana nekudaro, yega komputa inowana ruzivo rwechizvino-zvino.

The computers verify the transactions against some rules and conditions according to the bitcoin protocol. The verified transaction is then packed into blocks just like a chain that is then attached chronologically to the blockchain, which can’t be reversed once attached.

Bitcoin Mining

Kuchera kwe bitcoin hakurambe kuri infinity nekuti kune kudzikira-kupihwa algorithm iyo inodzora kuchera pamwe nezvimwe zviitiko. Iyo algorithm ingoisa chete muganho panogona kucherwa migodhi ye bitcoin.

Pane iyo bitcoin kupihwa, iyo zvakare ine muganho pane yakazara kugoverwa pamamiriyoni makumi maviri nerimwe. Nekuda kweizvozvo, huwandu uhu hunofungidzirwa kuti hunosvika ne21 apo bitcoin yekupedzisira inotarisirwa kucherwa.

Asi mumwe anogona kubvunza kuti nei muganho wakaiswa pane kupihwa kwe bitcoin?

Sezvineiwo, kushomeka kupihwa kunobatsira bitcoin kutsigira mutengo wayo, inova yakanangana yakanangana nefiat mari uye mashandiro ayo.

Unoendesa sei Bitcoin?

Unlike fiat, bitcoin is transferred between wallets with a small transaction fee. Besides, they can be sent in small portions like one bitcoin, depending on the bitcoin wallet as well as exchanges. For instance, for wallets, any amount above 0.000055 bitcoin is easy to transact.

On the other hand, exchanges have higher minimum transaction limits, with smaller transactions still a possibility.

Kunzwisisa maWallet uye Shanduko

What distinguishes wallets from exchanges is that with exchanges, the fiat currencies can also be converted into bitcoin and vice versa. Moreover, there’re some exchanges that over the conversion of bitcoin into other cryptos or fiat and other cryptos.

Bitcoin exchanges enable users to send bitcoin other bitcoin wallets or only other bitcoin exchanges. Also, they can receive payments from exchanges and wallets.

A bitcoin chikwama, kune rimwe divi, ingori sosi yekuchengetera uye inogona zvakare kutumira uye kugamuchira bitcoin. Kwavari, vanoita chete nekuchinjana kwe bitcoin, zvimwe zvikwama zve bitcoin, kana ivo vatengesi vanobvuma mubhadharo mu bitcoin.

Mhando dzeBitcoin Wallets

Akasiyana bitcoin ma wallet aripo kutanga kubva:

Desktop Wallets

Mahwendefa edesktop anosanganisira;

Bitcoin Vatengi

They function similar to BitcoinQt (original bitcoin wallet), currently known as Bitcoin Core- a full client requiring mighty computing power. Bitcoin clients help verify transactions independently.

Mamwe maDesktop maWallet

Kunze kwevatengi ve bitcoin, mamwe mahwendefa edesktop anosanganisira mSIGNA, Exodus, Armony, nevamwe.

Mobile wallets

Iwo zvikwama zvakagadzirirwa mufoni yako neQR kodhi kugona mukana iyo inogonesa pakarepo bitcoin kubhadhara.

Pamhepo Mahwendefa

Iwo mawallet epamhepo anobatsira kuchengetedza makiyi ako epachivande, ayo anokubatsira iwe kuti uwane iwo nekukurumidza chero nguva chero kupi. Nekudaro, kana mupi asingatore matanho ekuzvichengetedza, unogona kupedzisira warasikirwa nechero kiyi dzakavanzika.

Zvipenga zvemuviri

Aya ndiwo zvikwama zvinogona kuchengeta bitcoin zvakachengeteka zvine kero yeruzhinji pamwe nekiyi yakavanzika inodikanwa mukuchinjisa bitcoin kune mamwe ma kero. Iwe unogona kugadzira kero repepa zviri nyore kuburikidza nemawebhusaiti senge

Hardware Hardware

Aya mawaleti anokwanisa kugonesa kubhadhara pamwe nekuchengetedza zvakavanzika makiyi zvemagetsi. Kubatsira kwechikamu ichi ndechekuti inogonesa yakachengeteka bitcoin kutengeserana pane komputa isina kuchengetedzwa.

Mari Yechikwama

Kusvikira kuchikamu ichocho, iwe unongofanirwa kuve uine bitcoin kubhadhara chimwe chinhu kana kutumira imwe bitcoin kune mumwe munhu. Izvo zvinongoda kumisikidza bitcoin chikwama wobva wapa wako anotumira kero yewallet, uye wakanaka kuenda.

Also, you can fund your wallet easily by converting fiat to bitcoin in a plethora of ways, including; via bitcoin exchanges, bitcoin marketplaces, including cash as well as bank wire transactions.

Ngwarira maHacker

It goes without a say that bitcoin can as well get lost or simply can be stolen. Therefore, precautions are highly required to secure bitcoin holdings, especially from hackers, thieves, and stretching to losing wallets and private keys.

Uyezve, bitcoin zvakare ine mukana wekudonha kana kupisa. Nekudaro, nekuda kwekukurumidza kuwedzera kwekuvimba kwe bitcoin pamwe nekuzivikanwa, hapana mukana wekupunzika kunoitika chero nguva munguva pfupi.

Bitcoin Zvino

Since its introduction a decade ago, bitcoin has been a safe haven asset for some folks with several considering it an excellent store of value. However, for some, it’s far from what it promises to be citing volatility and liquidity, the main problems.

Zvakadii neInvestment?

Thus far, others have significantly gained a lot from investing in bitcoin in the “kutenga-uye-kubata” strategy, with forex trading now becoming the best trading platform. Bitcoin also can be traded on other platforms such as eToro as well as ZuluTrade.

Bitcoin ndiye Mambo asi kwete ega

It has been merely ten years of existence for cryptocurrency, but since then, several other cryptos have been introduced. Therefore, speculators and investors have a plethora of alternatives to trade besides bitcoin with prominent cryptos being Litecoin, Monero, Ether, Ripple, and many others.

Kunyangwe paine dzimwe nzira dzinoverengeka dzebitcoin, yakaramba iri Mambo. Parizvino, bitcoin iri kutengesa pamusoro pe $ 13000 uye ichiri kuenda yakasimba.

Zvakadaro, vamwe vanoti izvo bitcoin zvichapunzika kana kutodhura zvakanyanya. Parizvino, hapana anoziva kuti mutengo unoenda kumberi-pamwe uchirova $ 1,000,000 na2030 zvinoita kunge zviripo. Chero nzira, bitcoin yaita zvakanyatso shamisa mashandiro echinyakare.


8cap - Tenga uye Isa mari muZvinhu

Our Rating

  • Yakaderera dhipoziti ye250 USD chete kuti uwane kuwana kwehupenyu hwese kune ese VIP chiteshi
  • Tenga zvinopfuura mazana maviri nemazana mana emasheya pa2,400% Commission
  • Tengesa zviuru zveCFDs
  • Deposit mari ine debit / kiredhiti kadhi, Paypal, kana kubhangi kuchinjisa
  • Yakakwana kune vatengesi veNewbie uye inodzorwa zvakanyanya
Usaise mari mu crypto assets kunze kwekunge wakagadzirira kurasikirwa nemari yese yaunodyara.



Tichifunga kuti bitcoin inoita isingadhuri uye inokurumidza kushambadzira, kusazivikanwa kwepamusoro, mikana yekumisidzana, uye mutengo wakanyanya kusagadzikana uye kukwira kwemutengo, iyo giant crypto yakagadzirira ramangwana rakajeka.

Zvichida, yakanakisa FXLeaders 'bitcoin zviratidzo zvakakosha kuti utange kuita mumusika we bitcoin uye unakirwe nezvibereko zvinouya nayo.