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Cena Cardano sa odrazí od úrovne 0.709 USD

Cena Cardano sa odrazí od úrovne 0.709 USD

Cardano sa stane partnerom spoločnosti Chainlink pre lepšiu funkčnosť inteligentných zmlúv

IOHK has announced a partnership with decentralized blockchain oracle network Chainlink in its ongoing Cardano (ADA) Summit 2021. Based on the announcement, the partnership will allow Cardano to integrate Chainlink’s oracles in supporting developers as they begin building Smart Contracts (SC) for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. This comes after the Alonzo Mainnet upgrade on September […]

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Generálny riaditeľ spoločnosti Cardano kritizuje pálenie žetónov, čo znamená krádež jedla

The founder and CEO of Cardano (ADA), Charles Hoskinson, has spoken strongly against the sweeping idea of deflationary economics in the cryptocurrency industry. Mr. Hoskinson made his opposing stance known in a recent AMA (ask me anything) session on YouTube, comparing the practice of token burn to stealing food. He noted that the activity reflects […]

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Cardano zaznamenáva viac ako 2,000 XNUMX aplikácií inteligentných zmlúv za štyri dni

Po nedávnej aktualizácii Alonzo Mainnet sa kompatibilita Smart Contracts (SC) stala skutočnosťou pre vývojárov Cardano (ADA). Inovácia umožňuje vývojárom vytvárať decentralizované aplikácie (dApps) a služby decentralizovaného financovania (DeFi). S nedávnym vytvorením nových SC projektov by mohla byť sieť svedkom masívneho prílivu nových dApps. Správy ukazujú, že sieť […]

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Cardano sa dostáva pod paľbu po problémoch so súbežnosťou na Alonzo Testnet

Cardano (ADA) has come under criticism following reports of a concurrency issue discovered in the Alonzo testnet. The Cardano team announced some days ago that the Smart Contract functionality had gotten integrated on the Alonzo Testnet. The Alonzo Mainnet upgrade will go live on September 12. However, a recent Twitter thread by Ethereum enthusiast Anthony […]

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Cardano Foundation tlačí na lepšie dodržiavanie predpisov s integráciou Coinfirm

The Cardano Foundation appears to be toeing the line towards better regulatory compliance practices following a recent announcement to integrate Anti-Money Laundering analytics firm Coinfirm into the Cardano ecosystem. Coinfirm confirmed the development last Tuesday with an announcement to deploy its top-notch AML/CFT analytics system to ensure best regulatory-compliance practices by Cardano with the FATF’s […]

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Cardano uvedie na trh konvertor ERC-20 uprostred celoplošnej korekcie

Cardano (ADA) has announced that it plans to launch an ERC-20 converter to grant usability of Ethereum-based assets to its testnet. According to the video announcement posted by IOHK, a test of the ERC-20 compatibility should occur next week and could become a significant game-changer for Cardano should it scale the test. According to Francisco […]

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