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AUD/USD klesli na dvadsaťjeden dní, zaostrené na 0.6800

Predajcovia AUD/USD vyvíjali na pár tri dni po sebe určitý tlak nadol. A dnes pár klesol na 2-týždňovú hĺbku, blízko 0.6865 niekoľkých hodín európskeho obchodovacieho obdobia. Čoraz horšie svetové ekonomické vyhliadky stále zaťažujú pocity investorov. V dôsledku toho sa to odráža v dominantnej starostlivej nálade, ktorá obklopuje […]

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Cenová hladina AUD/USD zostáva pod 0.6900

AUD/USD experienced shorting for 2 days straight. This caused the pair to dip to more than a week low near 0.6870 to 0.6875. The market feeling stays vulnerable amidst the uncertainty of key central banks increasing interest rates to curtail rising inflation. This is to be done in such a way that economic development won’t […]

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AUD/USD sa počas nečinnosti POBC uvoľní pod 0.6950

AUD/USD receives bids around 0.6950 while gathering its daily profits earlier today. For The pair to have achieved this, news of China’s worries about the world recession and the Fed’s rate increase has been of assistance. Moving on, the POBC ( People’s Bank of China) kept its main monetary policy constant. These include the 5 […]

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AUD/USD vníma mäkké pristátie na cenovej úrovni 0.6990, investori očakávajú austrálsku štatistiku zamestnanosti

AUD/USD had a price rebound very early into the Asian trading period, as the risk-taking sentiment drive weakens. The major is anticipating a price directional change from its important support of the 0.6690 level. This is because the economic calendar has very few economic activities as it concerns the AUD/USD. As well, the dollar index […]

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AUD/USD zmenil smer na 0.7080, keďže klesajúce trendy sa zdajú byť výhodné pred americkým NPF

AUD/USD had a little rebound as it fell below its open price level of o.7124 Today (Friday). AUD (Australian dollar ) was unable to maintain above 0.7110 price level during the early Asian trading period. However, it has recovered following the release RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) MPS (monetary policy statement). According to the monetary […]

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