لاگ ان

FTSE 100 موجوده سپورٽ کان مٿي رکي ٿو پر خطرن کي 6893.88 تائين گھٽائي ٿو

مزاحمت جي سطح: 7500، 7600، 7700 سپورٽ جي سطح: 7300، 7200، 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) ڊگھي مدت جو رجحان: BearishFTSE 100 ھڪڙي پاسي واري رجحان ۾ آھي پر خطرن ۾ گھٽتائي 6893.88 تي گھٽجي وئي آھي. 7007.09 . وڪرو ڪندڙ 7007.09 سطح تي پوئين گھٽ کي ٽوڙڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري رهيا آهن. UKX وڌيڪ گهٽجي ويندي 6787.98 جي سطح تي جيڪڏهن […]

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FTSE 100 بيئرش ايڪسائيشن تي پهچي ٿو جئين اهو سطح 7131 کان مٿي رکي ٿو

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BearishFTSE 100 is in a sideways move as it holds above level 7131. UKX has declined to the low of level 7236 from the high of level 7500. On the downside, as price breaks below the moving average lines, the index […]

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FTSE 100 هڪ مٿانهون اصلاح ۾ آهي پر 7400 جي سطح هيٺان بيٺو آهي

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BearishFTSE 100 is in a sideways move but is stuck below level 7400 . Buyers are attempting to push the index above the moving average lines. On the upside, if price breaks above the moving average lines, the market will rise […]

وڌيڪ پڙهڻ

FTSE 100 اهم طور تي گھٽجي ٿو جيئن اهو 7133.36 جي گھٽ سطح تي پهچي ٿو

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BullishFTSE 100 is in a downtrend as it reaches level 7133.36 low. The index has fallen significantly to the oversold region. Presently, the market has reached the low of level 7131.69. The bearish momentum will extend to the low of level […]

وڌيڪ پڙهڻ

FTSE 100 7498 سطح تي ٻيهر ٽيسٽ ڪرڻ کانپوءِ وڪرو ڪرڻ جو دٻاءُ ٻيهر شروع ڪري ٿو

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BullishFTSE 100 is in an uptrend but resumes selling pressure after a retest at level 7498. UKX has reached the overbought region of the market. UKX is retracing after rejection from the recent high. The index has fallen above the 21-day […]

وڌيڪ پڙهڻ

FTSE 100 واپار ٿورڙي طور تي جيئن اهو 7550.38 جي اوور بوٽ علائقي تائين پهچي ٿو

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BullishFTSE 100 is in an uptrend as it reaches the overbought region of 7550.38. Today, the index has reached the high of level 7578. Since January, the demand dries up, each time buyers push the index above the 7600 overhead resistance. […]

وڌيڪ پڙهڻ

FTSE 100 اووربوٽ ٿيل علائقي تائين پهچي ٿو پر اهو 7520 تي پڪو آهي

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BullishFTSE 100 is in an uptrend but it is stuck at 7520. On August 11, the index declined to the low of 7460 and resumed upward. Today, the bulls are struggling to break the recent high. A beak above the $7,520 […]

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FTSE 100 7420 کان مٿي واپس ڪري ٿو جيئن اهو 7668.00 جي اعلي کي نشانو بڻائي ٿو

Resistance Level: 7500, 7600, 7700Support Level: 7300, 7200, 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) Long-term Trend: BullishFTSE 100 is in an uptrend as it targets the high of 7668.00. Further upsides are possible as the index approaches the overbought region of the market.UKX is likely to rise to retest the overhead resistance at level 7600. Buyers are […]

وڌيڪ پڙهڻ

FTSE 100 overbought علائقي تي نظر ثاني ڪري ٿو جئين اهو 7423.42 جي بلندي تي پهچي ٿو

مزاحمت جي سطح: 7500، 7600، 7700 سپورٽ جي سطح: 7300، 7200، 7100 FTSE 100 (UKX) ڊگھي مدت جو رجحان: RangingFTSE 100 ھڪڙي پاسي واري رجحان ۾ آھي جيئن اھو 7423.42 جي اعلي سطح تي پھچي. انڊيڪس جي قيمت هلندڙ اوسط لائينن کان مٿي ڀڄي وئي آهي. خريد ڪندڙن کي 7600 جي سطح تي مٿي جي مزاحمت کي ٻيهر جانچڻ لاءِ UKX کي دٻائڻ جو ارادو آهي. جنوري 2022 کان وٺي، FTSE […]

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