لاگ ان

رپپل بمقابلي ايس اي سي: ٻئي ڌريون حنمان جي شاهدي تي سمجهندا آهن

Ripple Labs and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have reportedly come to an “understanding” on the Hinman deposition. Both parties have agreed to postpone the former SEC executive’s testimony after achieving “substantial progress in narrowing and resolving the privilege issues.” Previously, the court handling the Ripple vs. SEC case gave both parties […]

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رپبل پلمٽس اڳوڻي ايگزيڪيوٽو جي وڪرو واري اسپري جي وچ ۾

Many Ripple (XRP) enthusiasts are familiar with the monthly XRP escrow release. The XRP escrow got designed to integrate predictability and stability to XRP. Meanwhile, a part of this monthly supply gets directed to former Ripple executive Jed McCaleb. However, instead of holding his newly-minted coins, McCaleb eagerly dumps his holdings into the market. Recent […]

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ريپل بمقابلي ايس اي سي: ايڪس آر پي ڪميونٽي چوي ٿي ڪيس سرد ٿي ويو

The legal case between Ripple (XRP) and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has lost its novelty to many members of the crypto community. There has been little to no new development from the ongoing case in the past few weeks. Yesterday, crypto analyst Martin Valk tweeted that the case had become “a […]

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ريپل پنهنجي يورپي عملن لاءِ اڳوڻي ماسٽر ڪارڊ ايگزيڪيوٽو کي مقرر ڪيو

مکيه اسٽريم مارڪيٽ اپنائڻ ۾ اڳتي وڌڻ جي مسلسل ڪوشش ۾، Ripple (XRP) پنهنجي يورپي عملن جي مئنيجنگ ڊائريڪٽر طور Sendi Young جي مقرري جو اعلان ڪيو آهي. Sendi 15 سالن کان وڌيڪ تجربو آڻيندو آهي fintech شعبي ۾ ۽ عالمي ادائگي جي حل لاءِ ”حڪمت جي نگراني ڪرڻ ۽ ريپل جي عالمي مالياتي نيٽ ورڪ ٽيڪنالاجي جي توسيع کي چيمپيئن، […]

وڌيڪ پڙهڻ

ريپل جي نظر بيري مارڪيٽ جي باوجود وهيل سرگرمي وڌي وئي

Ripple (XRP) لڳي ٿو $0.6000 لائن کي چڱيءَ طرح سان رکيل آهي جيئن ته وسيع مارڪيٽ پنهنجي تازي حادثي مان بحال ٿي. Ripple گذريل 6 ڪلاڪن دوران 24٪ کان مٿي واپار ڪيو، جڏهن ته مجموعي مارڪيٽ ڪيپ جي crypto مارڪيٽ ساڳئي عرصي ۾ 100 بلين ڊالر کان وڌيڪ حاصل ڪئي. ان دوران، ريپل وهيل ان تي ٻيهر آهن [...]

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ريپل بمقابلي ايس اي سي: ريپل جي جمع ڪرائڻ جي درخواست کي دٻائڻ لاءِ ڪميشن سيٽ

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) intends to file a motion tomorrow to suppress the deposition subpoena issued by Ripple Labs on a former SEC official. The suppression motion getting pushed by the Commission comes as the SEC argues that the questioning of a former official under oath was unacceptable. That said, the decision […]

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Ripple رڪارڊ سکن حرڪتون جئين هوبي ڊرپس کي XRP سپلائي

Whale Alert DLT, an analytics company tracking large cryptocurrency transactions in the crypto space, has highlighted large Ripple (XRP) movements over the past 24 hours. Their report shows that over 282 million XRP has exchanged hands across prominent exchanges. Meanwhile, Whale Alert noted that Ripple moved 127.6 million XRP (over $107 million) in two tranches. […]

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ريپل بمقابلي ايس اي سي: عدالت هڪ ٻي ايس اي سي جي درخواست ٻاهر اڇلائي ڇڏي

Ripple (XRP) has claimed yet another small victory in its ongoing legal case against the US Securities and Exchange Commission, following a court ruling denying the SEC from gaining access to Ripple’s lobbying activities and logs. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn of the District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled on June 15 […]

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ايڪس آر پي ليجر ۾ وفاق واري سائڊچينز کي ضم ڪرڻ جي ويڙهاڪ

Cryptocurrency provider Ripple has just released a proposal to integrate Federated Sidechains into the XRP Ledger (XRPL). The goal behind this undertaking is for each sidechain to operate as an independent blockchain, thereby preserving the XRPL’s leanness and efficiency for cross-border payments. The CTO of Ripple, David Schwartz, noted that developers on the XRP network […]

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