لاگ ان

Ethereum ريڪارڊز $ 21.7 بلين اسٽاڪ ڪيل سڪن جي قيمت ETH 2.0 کان ا

The deposit contract for Ethereum 2.0 continues to record steady increases as the total number of Ether staked reaches a significant high. The launchpad currently boasts a total of 6.9 million Ether staked, with a cumulative value of a whopping $21.7 billion (at current prices). The surge in staked ETH stems primarily from the recent […]

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سگينم بينڪ ETH 2.0 تي اسٽيڪنگ پليٽ فارم اڳيان ڪاميابي جو آغاز

In November last year, Sygnum Bank AG noted that it had partnered with Taurus Group, a firm in relation with SEBA bank and other prominent Swiss fintech services, to offer customers crypto stalking accounts. At the time, the staking accounts would leverage on the Tezos network, a proof-of-stake platform. However, with the ETH 2.0 upgrade […]

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ايٿيرم ETH6 اپڊيٽ جي پنهنجي ETH 2.0 ڪانٽريڪٽ ۾ 1559 لک Ether کان وڌيڪ محفوظ ڪندو آهي

Many eyes are on the Ethereum (ETH) network as the Ethereum 2.0 deposit contract now boasts over 6 million Ether. Meanwhile, Ethereum enthusiasts are gearing up for the highly-anticipated EIP1559 upgrade and London hard fork. Glassnode, an on-chain analytics provider, noted that: “Growth in new and existing activity throughout DeFi has taken a hit, as […]

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ايٿيروم 2.0 جمع ڪرائڻ جا معاهدا هاڻي 5.6،XNUMX ملين ايٿين رکيا آهن: ايٿرسن

The long-awaited Ethereum 2.0 network upgrade is said to have over 5.6 million Ether locked in its deposit contract, a record high. According to recent data from Etherscan, the total value of Ether locked in the Ethereum 2.0 staking contract now stands at $13.5 billion. The ETH 2.0 narrative came into existence in early December […]

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