Is Trading Currencies Worth the Risk?

مائيڪل فاسگوبن

اپڊيٽ ڪيو ويو
چيڪ مارڪ

ڪاپي واپار لاءِ خدمت. اسان جو Algo پاڻمرادو کولي ٿو ۽ واپار بند ڪري ٿو.

چيڪ مارڪ

L2T Algo گهٽ ۾ گهٽ خطري سان انتهائي منافعي بخش سگنل فراهم ڪري ٿو.

چيڪ مارڪ

24/7 cryptocurrency واپار. جڏهن توهان سمهندا آهيو، اسان واپار ڪندا آهيون.

چيڪ مارڪ

ڪافي فائدن سان 10 منٽ سيٽ اپ. دستياب خريداري سان مهيا ڪئي وئي آهي.

چيڪ مارڪ

79٪ ڪاميابي جي شرح. اسان جا نتيجا توهان کي پرجوش ڪندا.

چيڪ مارڪ

هر مهيني 70 واپار تائين. هتي 5 کان وڌيڪ جوڙو موجود آهن.

چيڪ مارڪ

مھينا رڪنيت £ 58 تي شروع ٿيندي.

هن forex مارڪيٽ is quite difficult during the start of your career, but it is engaging at the end.

اسان جي فاریکس سگنل
فاریکس سگنل - 1 مهينو
  • روزانه 5 سگنلن تائين موڪليا ويا
  • 76 سيڪڙو ڪاميابي جي شرح
  • داخلا ، نفعو وٺو ۽ نقصان بند ڪريو
  • في تجارت جي روڪ جي رقم
  • خطرو انعام ڏيڻ وارو تناسب
  • VIP ٽيليگرام گروپ
فاریکس سگنل - 3 مهينا
  • روزانه 5 سگنلن تائين موڪليا ويا
  • 76 سيڪڙو ڪاميابي جي شرح
  • داخلا ، نفعو وٺو ۽ نقصان بند ڪريو
  • في تجارت جي روڪ جي رقم
  • خطرو انعام ڏيڻ وارو تناسب
  • VIP ٽيليگرام گروپ
تمام گهڻو مشهور
فاریکس سگنل - 6 مهينا
  • روزانه 5 سگنلن تائين موڪليا ويا
  • 76 سيڪڙو ڪاميابي جي شرح
  • داخلا ، نفعو وٺو ۽ نقصان بند ڪريو
  • في تجارت جي روڪ جي رقم
  • خطرو انعام ڏيڻ وارو تناسب
  • VIP ٽيليگرام گروپ

ايٽ ڪيپ - ريگيوليٽ ٿيل پليٽ فارم سخت اسپريڊ سان

اسان جي درجه بندي

فاریکس سگنل - EightCap
  • گھٽ ۾ گھٽ جمع صرف 250 USD جي سڀني VIP چينلز تائين زندگيءَ جي رسائي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ
  • اسان جو استعمال ڪريو محفوظ ۽ انڪوڊ ٿيل انفراسٽرڪچر
  • راول اڪائونٽس تي 0.0 پيپس مان اسپريڊ
  • انعام کٽڻ واري MT4 ۽ MT5 پليٽ فارمن تي واپار ڪريو
  • ملٽي-جيوري ڊڪشنل ريگيوليشن
  • معياري اڪائونٽس تي ڪابه ڪميشن واپار ناهي
فاریکس سگنل - EightCap
71 سيڪڙو ريزڪي سيڙپڪار اڪائونٽس پئسا وڃائيندا آهن جڏهن هن فراهم ڪندڙ سان CFDs واپار ڪندو آهي.
دورو ڪريو اٺ ڪيپ هاڻي


There are lots of stories as to why lots of traders lose millions or billions of dollars trading currencies in the forex market.

واپاري تجسس

It is essential to know that the risks associated with trading are intensified by the lack of regulations and dubious brokers who look for newbies in the forex market to pounce on.

Worse of it all, market analysis and information can hardly be understood by forex trades. Despite all these disadvantages it continues to attract lots of traders all over the world, looking for ways to earn money.

At the moment, it all comes down to this question: is trading currencies worth the risk? Well, let’s find out.

  • Above-average earnings

When a newbie asks on the earning potential of forex traders in the market, there is a high chance that the person answering the question will say there is a limitless chance to earn big money in the forex market.

Although, if you ask the person offering advice on how much he/she has earned so far, there might show a bit of discomfort on their face. This indicates that even though the forex market offers unlimited earning potential, it is not easy to get the possible rewards.

Hence, dedication and patience is the key to forex trading. It also essential to know that you will not earn big money overnight in forex trading.

A forex trader should always be alert and practice all the time. It is very risky being a full-time currency trader; hence, most professionals in the forex market advice newbies on being part-time traders.

  • Free times

The forex market is not active during the weekends. However, most brokers also switch off their servers and remain inactive during the weekends. Hence, the forex market ensures all traders have the weekends all to themselves.

Even most professional jobs do not allow their workers to work on weekends. The leisure times traders refresh themselves for the new trading week.

As a forex trader, you have an advantage over some professionals that do not allow leisure time. Hence, you can stop trading a few days to do other things like going for a vacation, or to take care of your family.

  • داڻا سطح

There are no doubts that the more the leverage, the more the stress and work you have to put in. Hence, losses are increased for a newbie when he/she gets stressed and try to recover losses through trading again.

Trading Currencies

Consequently, trading again by that newbie may result in further losses. However, most professional jobs don’t put you into risks. Even if the company is down, there will still have a backup plan.

It is essential to know that even professional traders go through stress to make profits. Overall, trading currencies is not worth the risk if you take a look through this perspective.

  • سرمائي جون ضرورتون

In terms of investments, other businesses and professions have the edge over currency trading. In forex, there is no limit to what you can invest in the market, be it $1 or $10, but you need to know that low investments or capital like this will decrease your chances of making profits and growing your account.

Hence a capital investment like $10,000 and above is a good start if you want to invest in the forex market.

However, there are businesses that you don’t need such amount ($10,000) to make profits, as you can start with small amounts to grow your account and make profits.


AvaTrade - ڪميشن کان پاڪ واپار سان قائم ٿيل بروڪر

اسان جي درجه بندي

  • گھٽ ۾ گھٽ جمع صرف 250 USD جي سڀني VIP چينلز تائين زندگيءَ جي رسائي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ
  • انعام ڏنو ويو بهترين گلوبل MT4 فاریکس بروکر
  • پي ايڇ ڊي جي سڀني سازن تي 0٪ ادا ڪيو
  • تجارت ڪرڻ جا هزارين CFD اثاثا
  • لياري جا سهولت موجود آهن
  • ڊيبٽ / ڪريڊٽ ڪارڊ سان فوري طور تي رقم جمع ڪريو
71 سيڪڙو ريزڪي سيڙپڪار اڪائونٽس پئسا وڃائيندا آهن جڏهن هن فراهم ڪندڙ سان CFDs واپار ڪندو آهي.


آخري لفظ

Forex trading has an advantage over jobs and other businesses because it gives you leisure time to do other things.

When it comes to other factors such as stress levels, investments, and getting a sustainable income, hence, it can be concluded that forex is only suitable for people without immediate financial needs.